Silence bites
Below school's stairs
Trickling tears of fervent gore
From thy brethren's veins
Their cups to the rim they pour
All is shattered in the blast
Heavens echoing with silence
Dracula is licking his lips
Threading fingers through their tears
Pouring for his laughing friends
Ask why, if you dare,
on your blood they're feasting
you may lose your ears
the screwdriver your skull may be piercing
Chainsaw by the school
Truckloads of dead bodies
Buckets of ice of kidneys galore
****** lakes bear witness
Yet the World 's watching
My torn heart
Still is beating
While a crow my heart is eating!
In that chalice of gore
Flows all evil of the world
In it glisten child's eyes innocent
Shattered by the blitz
Voiceless stone
Sing of malice
Of the stake
Of the rope
Never will it pass
Our torment's toll
Rivers of blood will forever flow
Saša Milivojev
Translated by Ljubica Yentl Tinska
visit: www.sasamilivojev.com