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Dream Fisher Dec 2019
Sitting in thousand year rubble,
Just yesterday felt like a home
A whole city sat here that no one knows
This is my story as a summoned ghost,
A fayth to break the sin and begin
A calm to last forever. Forever for all.
But me.
It's ok from me to you, I catch your gaze,
One green, one blue
I hold the crest and sigil of sun
But I'd burn out without my moon.

The city was massive, a sight seeing to believe,
The lights and sounds roaring from the ground.
Memories too vivid to conceive.
Telling everyone it was toxins
But I remember them watching as I played,
Cheering as I slayed and scored
The blitzball dome, each seat had shown
A fan within my reach.
But now...

It's all rubble, everyone smiles but struggles
The fans still stand and cheer
But only as a distraction from here.
As I look through the ruins at hand,
I know why we keep moving,
Through my home in Zanarkand
Dream Fisher Sep 2018
There's a place in the woods
Only lit by the inhabitants I invade,
Where I swam in the water,
You swam in the water.
We laughed because we'd cry
We cried because we stopped laughing,
Reality swept us away but for a moment
We left that all behind.

Deep in Macalania, only one other saw,
I was afraid of the future,
You were lost in the past, only we didn't know.
Only knowing I put my faith in you,
As the fayth helped guide our hands
If they had not sent you, I don't think I could stand.

Our lips touched for a second,
Our guards dropped for a moment
And the world's calm was put on hold.
The end of the journey as scary as death
Only moving forward in hopes of new breath
"Just whistle and I'll come running"

— The End —