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Brianne Rose Mar 2016
On the waters of a distant Sea, A place seemingly frozen solid stood tall,
It's streets deserted and dusty, the buildings that lined the road looked almost eerie and haunting.
The all to quiet structures gazing down, their windows as eyes,
dark and unmoving, their doors unhinged or completely missing,
it was as if they had mouths where the doors were, gaping and hollow.
The Innermost buildings looked worse than the Outermost ones, these where missing chunks and pieces from them, some where missing whole walls, vines overtaking their exterior, winding and curling in towards the vacated rooms to stretch and writhe all throughout.
These homes looked like they where Screaming, whether from their erosion or from the vine sit was unsure, they all surrounded something though. Green and Vibrant, it stood, Alive and Unwithered, it waited,
the unyielding stone helped hide what it truly was, as only rows upon rows of stone could be seen, dotted occasionally by these still and silent figures, Crying, Weeping, as if for the loss of Noise and Vibrance from it's surrounding structures. In the midst of these figures stood, alone and taller than any else stone there, an alone tomb, on it inscribed a single quote,

"Don't - For ANY reason - Blink."
sorry it's been so long since I've been on, sorry sorry. BUT! I hope this makes up for it all, so Enjoy and as always Constructive criticism is welcome.
Brianne Rose Nov 2015
Somewhere, far away,
sits a city on water,
it's flamboyant streets empty if it's usual bustling Passengers and Tourists,
The houses broken and decrepit,
look almost eerily like peoples faces frozen in horror,
eternally ****** to remain empty.

In the center of this town lays another place,
a place claimed to be a city of it's own,
the stone towers and shapes make up most of the city's structures and buildings,
The grassy pathways make the city seemingly innocent,
On one such stone shape however,
lays a hand print dragging itself downward with a single inscription upon its front.
"Whatever You Do, Don't Blink"
a rewrite of a short story i did a while back, if i ever find the original i'll post it on here

— The End —