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How many women here
have been impregnated
by Elon Musk? looking for hands

He plans to repopulate the planet
single handedly - well, not handed
exactly - you know what I mean.

In Australia, great swaths of Texas,
and of course Mar-a-Lago, he’s a serial offender,
because his ***** is legal tender.

Factoid: you might catch a disease,
he’s sleeping with everyone north of Belize
and several of them, frankly, look ******.

Of course, you’d have to listen to him talk. shivers
Unless you say, “Hey, can we do this without conversation?”
That’s when you’d slip on your sleep mask, and, well, you know.
But what would you be thinking about?
BLT Merriam Webster word of the day challenge 03/01/25:
Factoid = a brief and usually unimportant or trivial fact.

These pieces I write are like essays, I have to take a point of view—that doesn’t mean I’m RIGHT, I could probably write the other side of these points just as well.
I judge Musk a *****-rich-man-dog. If that sounds harsh, it isn’t, he seems to care for these (14?) children - I don’t think he’s an Epstein, P-Diddy, Weinstein or Cosby. It’s funny me, maybe because I’m a woman - if you are rich, get a mistress, get 10! You don’t have to drug and ****—but that’s more about power, ya? If a woman wants CrAzY ammounts of ***, it's easier.
In France, it’s perfectly acceptible, in most circles, to have mistrisses - very few couples in France get married - they have civil, financial agreements instead called ‘Civil Solidarity Pacts (PACS)’. So I was just making fun of Mr. Musk because republicans are such moral posers. (aka ***** loving Trump).

— The End —