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Ann M Johnson Jul 2015
I am wondering if any of you out there , my Hello Poetry friend's would like to try out an idea of mine. It may especially appealing to those who have done collaborative poems. It is what I refer to as a Progressive poem. (some of you may have heard of progressive dinners, were you go to one person's house for appetizers, another person's house for  main course , then someone else's for dessert.) This may appeal to someone's creative pallet without calories and be challenging and fun.
We could agree on a topic to write about and  many 3 or 4 people or possibly alternate writing lines and blend it together into a beautifully creative masterpiece a beautiful blending of creative minds.
Any taker's out there on Hello Poetry to accept this Progressive Poem challenge. ( perhaps Mike Hauser or other's who have done a collaborative poem with me, or interested in doing one?) If you might consider please drop me a message on here.

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