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Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
My eyes are eyes like yours,
My arms.
My face.
My blood.
All flesh and bones.
Just like everyone else.

But when you get to my heart,
You will see it houses a synthetic soul.

My mind nothing more than,
A cold-blooded machine,

I bleed red,
As do you.
I feel the wind,
As do you.

But we're not alike,
My flesh is nothing more,
Than a cloak,
Covering my metallic being,
Caged in mortality.
Written 25 March 2016
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
Swallowing whirlpool
Drowning me soft, underneath
Trying to be free
Written 24 March 2016
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
Too long; didn't read,
Not enough time,
Too much to do,
Hope it wasn't important,
But I'm all about me,
You didn't draw me in,
With the first five seconds.

My attention span is short,
If I'm not entertained,
I won't give you my time,
So keep it short and snappy,
And make it all about me.
Written 23 March 2016... sarcastic attack on short attention spans and uncaring people.
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
Dancing a dangerous tango,
Every step perfectly aligned,
A dance of give and take,
Both in want of one another.

Bodies close, but not too close,
Enough to create goosebumps,
And make fine hairs stand on end.

Like balancing a ball of fire in the heart,
Keeping it from rolling into one lung or the other.
Your eyes dance with mine,
Even more dangerous than our waltz.

We both know what we want,
But neither is giving an inch.
No quarter need be given,
If we mutually surrendered,
To love.
Written 23 March 2016... my best ****** piece, I think.
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
Why do You give me peace,
When there is not a single,
Part of me that is worthy?

I know I'm undeserving,
Yet forever You renew me.
Your grace always comes,
Your love is steadfast,
You alone are always true.
Written 23 March 2016
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
Loneliness has caught me in its poisonous grasp,
Settling and soaking into my damaged mind,
Rooting itself upon my admirable character,
Leeching away what is lovely about me.

I drain slowly away,
Like a leaking glass,
Drip drip drip
Down the crack,
Onto the ***** floor.
Written 23 March 2016
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
Opportunity missed,
Like a highway exit,
Went by so fast,
And my GPS is cussing me out.

It was like a blur,
I couldn't recognize,
What it really was,
Until it was far too late...

Opportunity missed,
Like the bases were loaded,
With only one out,
And I step up to the plate,
Hit into a double-play...

Opportunity missed,
Like she was giving me a,
Neon sign that said,
"I love you, I want you!"
Yet I walk right past her...

So I guess I'm trying to say,
Or, rather ask:
May I have another opportunity?
Written 23 March 2016... maybe I had no opportunity ever... ****
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
Steam rises from bogs
Swampy bugs fly above us
Stars shimmer night skies
Written 23 March 2016
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
How do you only feel a light rain,
When I feel a massive hurricane?

Is your heart not feeling as mine?

I adore you more than the planets,
In our wretched cosmos;
Yes, our cosmos is wretched compared,
To your wondrous, vibrant beauty!

But what am I to you?
In your eyes,
In your heart?

To you I would give everything.
Why is it so unrequited?
Is your love a myth?
Written 23 March 2016... her love was a myth
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