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Patience is rough
Fear blocks the warm and soothing energies from such.
What we value or have been toiling hard to work torward what we weighed  as gold
We have a ways to go
We rush through the better paths
As we rush to have what we want so much
Now...not later
I set myself up for a fall
And failing to keep energies and
Moments in balance and my eye on the true picture of my prize..
Love,career,money,and success
Has already chosen me
If I stop to smell the roses
And wisely pace and use my time
My emotions
I shall earn this reward
And without the measuring
The time and o erwhelming steps to such
I'll have my goals to the prize
I know what and whom in my life I seen
For the right reasons and passions
In which wisely enjoyed patience Nd labors
I'll have such things To possess

— The End —