Change isn't just spare coins in one’s pocket
It is an energy for a being to grow… to expand.
Words from the mind placed into fluid motion
To direct and mend a heart left in frozen feet on the ladder to an unknown land.
Warmth gained by one spirit longing for another to keep in energies’ light
Navigating life’s huge waters as we discover newer parts of uncharted oceans.
Waters that connect Human life in Symbiance
Waters that fuel the hunger to charter our vessel
to a new sought after brilliance.
Adding numbers to our flock of us Dolphins that swim
with each other…in a unique bond.
We need one another in heart and soul
So let the energy of change be a light that can never be dimmed…
Forever becoming more than what’s in the “now” or limited in the questions of limitless “Hows.”
The dive into the oceans of the “new” should be one’s first move
Past fears of the unknown moments ahead
You are never alone
As we swim, here together, in Life’s oceans.