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Ariana Robinson Jun 2015
The love I had for you was boundless, limitless
If you needed more, I would have gave it to you
The love I had for you was unconditional
There was nothing average about it, it wasn't lukewarm
But I guess the love you had for me had bounds and its limits
You gave what you thought I might have needed
I guess it wasn't unconditional because when we ended, it was if the love you had for me no longer held value
But the love I had in me I gave to you
And that was my mistake
Giving unconditional love to someone who can only give me conditional
In you, I found a person that I couldn't live without
But I guess to you I was a person you could live with
I wish there was a way for me to turn off emotions, but I can't
But it seems your emotions turn on and off
One day, I'm your everything
The next, I'm just a friend
And you expect me to accept just being your friend
I loved, no I love you too much to be just your friend
And according to you, we can't be together
So let's just be strangers who shared some memories
He broke up with me and I'm going to be ok

— The End —