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Mark kenny Feb 2020
A new reason to hope and to administer our long lost faith
A new fantasy in our minds on how the past can affect our faith.

A new tenacy to redo all our past mission so we can achieve the impossible
A new technique to adopt so all the stiff ideas would move the impossible.

A new reason to reach out to my lost chronicles and adopt a first impression
A new diary on my table I think I need to document another first impression.

A new doctrine we need to adopt so the new message can find it's way out
Spreading a new message from my lips I believe the tone would find it's way out.
Don't listen to the preacher...but hold on the message
Mark kenny Feb 2020
Struggling with the reality that everything will fall in place
Struggling with peace that I created even though I wasn't in place.

Struggling with a new habit that kept me afloat but draining all of me now
Struggling with how sentiments can change how people question me now.

Struggling with the friend that calls my phone just to check on my progress
Struggling with the replies lined up on my phone I really need to check the progress.

Struggling with dropping the ideas I believe  can have an impact on the future
Still struggling with the questions hope it doesn't become an habit on my future.
The answer on my lips can't ask the questions coming from my mind
Mark kenny Feb 2020
Down this same road again I hope I get out this time
Eyes closed to a point but the only way out is one this time.

Clouded vision makes me realise that I still have another purpose to my existence
Another hit and am slowly backing out of the main reason for my existence.

Lone road making me understand how the day will end up eventually.
Hallucinating about a clear decision but my new reality taking me eventually.

Pouring from the cup of life I really need to see things differently
Don't tell me am still heavily sedated I really need to see life differently.
Life feeding me the organic pills which am using to see a new me
Mark kenny Feb 2020
The vision of how a modern day poet is viewed
I can imagine you all bringing your pen out the view.

Don't be discouraged by the content of my messages don't be misinformed
Little bit of expression on my end I already sound like am misinformed.

Don't forget that I gave an interesting poem just now
Never relate with the new information I just acquired just now.

Back on the scribbling brick I really need a new desire
Modern day poet  I won't stop until I miss the desire.
I guess I don't do justice to writing the right way.
Mark kenny Feb 2020
A new wave is upon us I wish I can take the new plain
Visualizing a new reason why people prefer color to plain.

Observing what the colorful illusion we all picture can aid our pain
Slowly digging up a new habit for comfort not observing our new pain.

Nuturing what I need to preserve I won't mind if i stick to the new plan
Unfolding a new way of getting over the new disaster caused by my new plan.
The Slow wave that I reject will come back to make me insane.
The wave is close but who will check the pace
Mark kenny Feb 2020
The passion to win more than I lose makes a one man army unique
The unique personality makes a slow go getter almost defined as unique.

You should always remember the last person you saw struggling to stand
After so many falls the inner push is still making a slow decision man to stand.

Another big decision to make and the outcome is not easy to define
You decide how you react to end result don't be easy to define.

Plans are on the way to make a unified decision
A new passion to win is like a push don't slack if you need to make the right decision.
Life is bent on making decisions on your progress.
Mark kenny Feb 2020
Why are you bent on destroying the future that is bleak
Why don't you want to grow out of your comfort zone.

Why is life treating you like you won't get out of it
Why don't the answer add up so you can have a suitable answer.

Why won't you accept that life throws the same lessons twice
Why is the "Y" questions filled with a lot than you can comprehend.

Why don't you decide on how the outcome would look like
Why don't the reality sink in a way you can put in writing.
The only question I ask myself....
Mark kenny Feb 2020
Every man is a threat to those ladies who walk by themselves alone in the night
Every man is a threat to those who dress like the material is not enough.

Every man is a threat to those ladies that just left a previous heartbreak
Every man is a threat  to a lady that was molested all her life.

Every man is a threat to his sister's because they also see other men as threat
Every man is a threat to himself if he can't control his ****** urge
Every man is still a threat considering the fact men are super to those around them.
Society should stop listening to one side of the story in any situation
Mark kenny Feb 2020
What exactly are you fighting for in your life I keep asking
Because the pain that you are yearning for is asking.

The turn you are afraid to take is already been plied by another
Don't let the defeat in your head make you envy another.

The fight is against you when you stare at the mirror you can understand
Getting back up is like a jolly ride you only enjoy it when you board it
The world deserves a better fighter you won't know until you become it.
Don't relent the war is against you
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