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Mark kenny Mar 2020
Am avoided by my friends that I place my  hands up high to meet
Am solely depending on myself for the new attention that am planning to meet.

Sick of society ready to glance into the solitude life without strength to waste
A new friend that am meeting already recognise my intentions without a waste.

Am applying a new rule in the beginning of my life so I can envelope my mind
The pages boring through a deep hole but the key is left in my mind.

The strange youth as am fondly called will become a wise chap once the coast is clear
A picture of my life in a mystery world
Mark kenny Mar 2020
Summarizing how my day went wasn't part of the plan
But am a writer sharing part of my life is always part of the plan.

Discussing my plans for the day definitely has to end up till midnight
You really sure you up for the conversation up till midnight.

Am yawning now calling your attention to the time of the night
Your heavy breathing and your long breath making me realise you had a hell of a night.

But don't just give up it's almost time we end this conversation
At the end of the night we have to sit up and write a new conversation.
Post this anytime unless we reach the end of the night
Mark kenny Mar 2020
What would you gamble for your own very life to continue to exist
Is it the lack of joy you clearly fail to observe even as you continue to exist.

Or the conviction that things won't allign until you stop wishing
A lone attitude about what could possibly go wrong still wishing.

A nice way to speak more to your self but it won't create any result
Onlookers already judgmental some even gave you a fail score as a result.

A safe prediction won't fully be in place if you don't stop wishing and act now.
All said and done I won't be a tool for a safe prediction
Mark kenny Mar 2020
The game is new I won't lie I just started playing it today
Am still playing it hard I won't bother to finish it today.

Most times am corrected after I burst and tell people my real emotions
But won't my life be just like a video game if I refuse to spill my real emotions.

Not minding what the online players are saying I had to bend down and beg
Because most times am misunderstood so  I had to crush my ego and beg.
Not everyone deserves an explanation some deserves nothing
Mark kenny Mar 2020
A pawn was just molded for the sole purpose of obeying a new master
Obedient like a glass but empty like a cup in the bid to please his new master.

Life pointing towards different direction but the way out is still the same
The hungry masters clamouring for a jolly meal while the slave stays the same
Undiscovered and never growing until the day she realizes how she remains the same.

Steadily looking out for the masters that would use the whip upon her back
How the watchful masters sounded when the took her pride behind her back.

Descending into another dimension of her life
Already changing matters from domestic to  family life.

Still scared of the watchful eyes of her masters as they prey behind her back.
Understanding those who are victims of domestic abuse in the seasons of social isolation.
Mark kenny Mar 2020
Time is a lot like a drop of water
Each drop and the sound gets closer like an heartbeat.

Don't miss out on the life opportunities it can  still be missed.

Each grip shows how close you are actually  to what stares at your face
The drip that makes the noise jolts you back as you turn to your face.

A new distance is slowly built by how each steps moves towards a new direction
The past you are holding on to will definitely make you lose the new direction.

Time is like a mystery to some while
those who understands it value the use of time
Time is still a mystery to some while once you look at it...Time can make it pause
Mark kenny Mar 2020
Steps taken to avoid an intrusive abuser that Is bent on catching my breath
A new reason to remain fearful and linger back so I can really catch my breath.

The new steps catching up to me am obviously on the edge I won't bulge still
Tears dripping down my face and my fear enveloping me I won't scream still.

A new way to direct my energy as soon as the obvious truth gets to me
Slowly counting my loss in the hope of avoiding the tragedy that will get to me.

Am known to solve problems my own way which is to do nothing and let it flow
The mystery man is me I won't consider shielding my mind away from the flow.
The wound isn't healing yet but the pain left me a while ago
Mark kenny Feb 2020
Drying off my chest not again I don't want to turn it to a habit
Leaving the past behind I really need to work on this habit.

Letting my emotions dictate my mood even ruining what I have in place
Not the soft type but the life sequence is like a trigger always in place.

Falling soldiers all around still checking if everything is happening right
A new game is upon us I believe the flight can only be taken right.

Same mystery within my lips asking what the meanings hold in sight
Last emotions that am shedding the meaning of life is in sight.
Don't call me the king yet am still working on my emotions
Mark kenny Feb 2020
The story follows suit of how a voiceless person can comprehend
I was just ripped off my pride I hope the everyday person can comprehend

Not knowing who to run to I was gestured back to reality by a hand gesture
I was mesmerizing when those hands started healing me with his gesture.

Soon I had a feeling I was directed to an higher purpose than I left behind
The voice in my head that was silent now began to pick what it left behind.

My journey was fruitful soon as the voiceless helper changed what I had in mind.
My dream turned to reality when the block is now unfolding new realities.
Mark kenny Feb 2020
I wish I listened more often to the voice in my head that whispers
Sounds in my head telling me to point a certain way anytime I hinder.

So many promises of the future but deep down I can't attain
But my younger self with it's future still bleak was still the future I wanted to attain.

On a better level of understanding how the circle fits my existence
When you look closely with each day passing you cringe for your existence.

Hoping that the next day isn't your last hoping to make an impact
The race born within the mind of who is actually seeking an impact.
My younger version gesturing me to believe in myself more I might make an impact.
Am not doubting my past...just trying to rewrite my future a certain way
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