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hazem al jaber Jun 2017
Likened to the moon ...

beautiful lady ...
beautiful as the moon ...
and it's shinny stars ...
so faraway there ...
into the heart of sky ...
no one touch you ...
only eyes sees you ...

no dear sorry i am ...
the moon is beautiful like you ...
even it stole it's prettiness  ...
from you bright face ...
sweet lovely lady ...
beautiful you are ...
made the moon jealousy to you ...

all eyes watching you ...
follows and runs after you ...
as they watch every night the moon ...
that's why they likened you to the moon ...
but they still don't know ...
they still didn't see your heart ..
how pure and white ...
how your soul is ...
it's more beautiful ...
than all moons ...

yes you are sweetheart mine ...
you are more pretty beautiful ...
and the moon likened to you ...
because you are the queen ...
the queen to all moons ...
the queen to this world ...
as the moon with every night ...
my eyes watching you ...
only you sweetheart ...
the beautiful lady to my all nights ...
and the only one to my all life ...

hazem al ...

— The End —