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Kay-Rosa Apr 2019
i see you, hazel-green eyes
light face littered with shaded freckles like stars
your favorite color is purple
you love caramel candies
and musical theatre

i see your face light up when you talk about your dreams
your smile clear and bright
but you dont see me
thorns scraping my insides as the vines wind their way around my organs
squeezing the blood out of my heart
i choke on it and spit out dripping rose petals
burned and charred leaves from the flame you lit in me

i'm trying to hold my breath
for every breath i take, the bristles scar my lungs
tearing my heart into unrequitable shreds
you dont see me as i slowing, painful
drift away into the ****** petals
I want to shoutout PBandJohnLaurens on Wattpad for inspiring this with "The Beauty of You - The beauty of confusion". So, thanks PBandJL, keep writing!

— The End —