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Suja Gunasegaran Aug 2021
Heard a strange whisper that alarmed danger;
Felt a soft touch on my soul, delicate as a lion’s whisker;
Awakened, my eyes loaded with eager;
My compressed heart felt like coal,
Like a diamond, I saw a bright light midst the dark lonely lane;
The agitated silence tickled me; my memories sunk deep;
Trapped in the silence of fear, the fear of rewind sorrow;
Sweat dripped down my frozen feet, tears rolled down my pale cheek,
My dried lips trembled to speak …………
But the sudden roar of my voice,
Like thunder, shattered the silence of the darkest alley;
The glee stars shone, as if I found the spotlight;
Realised, I am the diamond, got to glow up to light up the dark.
Levitating my spirit, reached the end,
But started again, and marched towards the infinity;
My hopes and fears reached a tie, tackled to break the knot;
Bravely, pushed past all the breaking points,
Stood up on my feet, brushing off all the dust;
Knocked the door, broke the insane wall;
Mirrored, vibing to the drizzling pride of discovering the light within.
Its a free verse poem of finding happiness within us instead of depending on external forces.

— The End —