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Ashfaq Khan Apr 2017
The more she was loved
The more she was drawn closer to me

We're apart by oceans

Distance got us closer
Distance made us stronger
Distance made us lovers
Distance made us.

And Its the distance that torn us apart
It torn us
It made her
It made me
And left us with memories

Distance is the coin with two faces.
lisa May 2016
Is this really it?
Won't I ever see your smile again?
Won't I ever have to hold your hand
And kiss you when I can?
Is this really it?
Our laughter,
Our tears,
Our happiness,
Our stories,
Our love.

Is this really it?

I can feel your hand on me fading
Fading, fading...
Slipping away
And I can no longer see....
lisa Apr 2016
You are my home,
Shelter of my strength,
The ones I keep coming back to,
Zone of my comfort.
lisa Mar 2016
December 31, 2015

From the moment you stand
and walk from the bus
I saw you outside the window;
standing; your hair was firm
and your eyes were searching

And I looked up,
saw that you faded.
And as I return my eyes to nowhere
I once think,

How much I love the
way you walk

and the way your shadow beams
How much I love the way
your eyes lit up and see;

How much I love you,
And how much
I look forward to

the day
*I'll see you again.
lisa Mar 2016
October 25, 2015

What in the world did I do to have someone like you?

You are my light,
The reason why I live and survive
You were my strength;
The reason why I look forward
To every sunshine

The reason why I find happiness in
every moment;
The reason why my hope
in this cruel world is built.

*What in the world did I do to have someone like you?
lisa Mar 2016
September 4, 2015

"I always want to thank you for what you've given me.
Time is still long, i'm not sure if you'll still be by my side in the years
that will come, or whether you'll get tired of me too.
But right now, all I want to say is thank you...
*For the every minute and hour you've always given me."
lisa Mar 2016
August 29, 2015

You kissed me,
And I thought I was driven
To a place iv'e never been before.

You hugged me,
And all of my broken pieces
were squeezed back together.

Suddenly all of my pain faded
And I said to my mind,

*"Hanna, I love you..."
lisa Mar 2016
August 22, 2015

Hold me

In the midst of cold air and rain we sat beside each other
I put my head on your shoulder;
closed my eyes--savoring and holding
to each second of this moment

After a while

You held my hand;

And suddenly my breathing stopped and
my heart skipped a beat,

I felt a tingling in my stomach and
my heart is pounding and unstable;

Your skin on mine felt comforting and just;
your hand on mine felt like it was made
for each other--like it was meant to be
held by yours.

And for the first time in my life I felt,
that time stood still and stopped,
The noise became quiet and everyone faded,
Like there's nothing.... But just
the two of us

"Is this for real?" I utter, and as I open my eyes
I saw you beside me and your hand
in mine;

And I wished for you to hold me,

For always,
*And never let go.
lisa Mar 2016
August 4, 2015

Out of reach

I saw you from afar
And iv'e never felt
this urge to kiss someone
and tell them
*"You are wonderful."
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