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Anna Marie Mar 2015
New to the town, I hopped off the bus,
I came all alone, just me and a trunk,
To a bright, new world, I looked all around,
It was a quiet town, with not even a sound,

So I settled right in and began my work,
In a small crooked shop, I became a bank clerk,
At first no one came, not even a fly,
Then one day, someone finally walked by,

“Hello,” he said, as he opened the door,
“I believe you are new, I am Edward Debore,”
I am flattered, I said, to see a new face,
You’re the first someone I’ve seen in this empty place,

He was tall, rather thin, with a nose like a pin,
On his back, I believe, he had some type of fin,
“Oooooh,” he moaned, “I am quite parched,”
Oh my, I replied, I’ve only this berry ****,

But, to my surprise, he swallowed it whole,
And with it, gulped down, my grandmother’s bowl,
Oh dear, I cried, as he burped loud and clear,
It seems you are more than “parched,” I fear,

Who are you, I asked him, what do you do,
I am a bank clerk,…oh, there’s a fly, Shoooo!
Look, there he goes, open the door,
…GULP, …Mr. Edward Debore!!

At that moment I stood there with fear in my eyes,
Mr. Edward Debore had just eaten a fly,
Another flew by and he gulped him right down,
By then my smile had turned into a frown,

I could not stand it another second,
So I snatched my umbrella and I sliced it through his stomach,
The flies were set free and so was the bowl,
For Edward Debore had gulped them down whole,

                  The End
And also the end of Edward Debore!
This was a fun one!!

— The End —