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Mira Torres Sep 2014
How do I say goodbye to you
Just thinking about it makes me feel blue
You're always around me as if nothing happened
While I'm like in a different world, trying to blend

How does my heart say goodbye to you
When it's the first time in months it felt a love so true
The happiness you gave me made it beat again
But now you're leaving it broken

How does my mind say goodbye to you
When everything I see is a memory of us two
We're both looking to find ourselves that were lost
From our past relationship's chaos

How does my soul say goodbye to you
When all of it is deeply connected to you
Maybe it's not in this lifetime
But I'm sure my soul will still find you.

How do I un-love you?
Is it really something I can do?
How do I say goodbye to you,
If deep inside I don't want to.
Written around June 2014

— The End —