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james nordlund Dec 2018
They say, a rose by any other...,
Would still smell as sweet....
Every 9 seconds a woman is *****
By someone who says he loves her.
Give a real gift to sisters,
And brothers, all, reach one,
And teach one, to not be a
Link in that patriarchal chain,
Not adding to that number of
Humanity's bane, not a statistic
in la machine's game, ever;
From this Valentine Day on.
Title, thanx to Tina Turner's great song by same name.  Happy holidays, and may your New Year be new all the way through   :)   reality
red Sun burns the oceans
beaches left barron
save for bleached bones
of fish large and small
unable to swim deep

when the last of electricity fails
when the water is gone
we all burn in the fireless rapture
Mother has spoken
she has cleared her vines
of withered fruit

the last breath
echoes across the scorched
hauntingly void landscape
the rainclouds move in
brandon nagley Jan 2017
As the welkins turneth grey, and the night becometh day, man fall's back to Noah's time; where sin in men

Where chain's became one's grave, whence giant's roamed the earth, making babies with lustful ladies;
Making the world their settled

As the fallen one's layed their seed, to stop ourn saviors means, as humanity calleth them God's;
In reality sickly beasts.

Men reproduced their deities, out of clay, hand-dug gold; bowing to breathless idol's, just as Christian's
Sold their soul's.

Making creatures from the pit,
Their daily water and their spit,
Knowing not the god, who
Made them in his image.

Clean clothed new world order

Bleating out for their king, O' the truth thou seekest, though the truth's unseen.

Because tis yeshua thou hath rejected, ear's made shut,
Worldly infected.

Technology and pleasures
Hath replaced the almighty
God, Jehovah, Elohim, yahweh;

Jesus his son.

©Brandon nagley
©lonesome poets poetry
©prophetic poetry.
Welkin:sky or heaven.
Becometh: becomes.
Whence: from which, or from where.
( I use it as from where).
Calleth: calls.
Means: method.( what christ had to do on the cross, he was sent down from god the father as gods son in flesh form taking on human flesh fully man/ fully god as him and his father our creator God Yahweh, Jehovah god are( one) just as father son and the holy ghost are one.) The fallen angels real goal of sleeping with women thus creating giant's as our bible speaks on many times, their main goal was to taint the bloodline that led to christs earthy parents to stop Christ from being born, though the original angels fallen angels who did that are now down in hell awaiting judgement in chain's as our bible spoke.As the fallen ones failed at stopping christs birth yet when they slept with woman of earth well put their seed into women of earth it tainted all earth DNA accept for Noah and his family.
Sickly: unpleasant especially in smell and look.
Grinches:unfriendly,, unkind person.
Bleating: of a sheep, goat, or calf) make a characteristic wavering cry.
Tis:it is
Yeshua hamashiach ( means jesus the messiah in hebrew tongue. Just as yeshua means jesus in hebrew tongue.)

Pray anyone who hasnt accepted yeshua jesus as lord and savior you will today because times truly running out to do so. Going to leave links below if you want to make jesus your lord and savior and to escape coming judgement soon to pass upon this earth.

Ps: read underneath links to if going to read them
Thanks Brandon..

— The End —