I really thought
I had it all figured out
Asexuality was the perfect
description of me
I didn't look at someone
and was sexually attracted
to them
Everything was perfect
Then, I started to notice
how women are hot
and men are attractive
Now, I know I'm not straight
I never was
but this was new for me
The possibility
of me not being straight
but not being asexual
was real now
But I think I have it
figured out
I am still asexual
but I am demipanromantic
I have to know the person
extremely well and have
a connection with them
but gender doesn't matter
for me when it comes
to a love relationship
Sexuality is a fragile thing
always subjected to change
but when it does
Things will work themselves out
and if there isn't a label for you
you can always make one
My struggle with self-identity once more