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Austin Heath Dec 2014
Showed up early for work.
An hour early.
Sitting in the Starbucks out the back door
sipping a tall blonde with room for cream.
No one calls me

Dark. Dark dark circles under the eyes,
I imagine. I could look.
Stayed up with strangers. Stayed up alone.
Unhallucinating. Disengaged.
Sinking a woozy reality in place of solid illusion.
**** it stinks. Job's great, work *****.
At least the coffee doesn't taste like cigarettes,
today it taste like water.

******* in place of sleep. Feeling numb,
where numb is such a relief you'd swear,
you'd swear to your god and stars
you were happy.
At least grateful the head is quiet.
Not silent, but at least quiet.

Switched from TV on the Radio to Death Grips.
Wanna stir the ***? Really?
I'm afraid we're all cowards.
It goes it goes it goes it goes
it goes it goes it goes it goes

— The End —