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Victor Marques Apr 2023
Sentimento que expande teu ser,
Sofro por te ver sofrer,
Morro cada segundo por amor,
Queria morrer com tua dor.

Oh Deus  que curas  a morte,
Dá lhe vida e sorte.
Nesta espera com esperança  redobrada,
Quero ver teu sorriso de madrugada.

Acorda para viveres no palco da vida,
Borboleta azul da minha vida,
Do meu amor , da minha liberdade  
Morra eu para ser eternidade.

Com tua cura eu ressuscitaria,
Na esperança  de um dia ,
Querer morrer sim senhor ,
Com as asas do teu amor.
Cura, amor, dor
Maria Mitea May 2020
Cura is the creator of all things,
In a double meaning,
and in a double way.

As long-as Cura lives,
safeguards and keeps all things
In a double meaning,
and in a double way.

Engaged and
faithful to all things
In a double meaning,
and in a double way.

Absorbed in the world,
Is the work of Caring.

Devoted in the world,
Is the work of Caring.

In a double meaning
and in a double way.
Cura is a Latine word, meaning "Care". Cura is the name of a   a Roman goddess who created the first human.
“ The time would come when we`ll understand that care and love are forces in the universe as real as gravity force.”  
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

— The End —