Let's play and run and skip and fall
Let's see how long, it takes to crawl
The grass is green and it's on our pants
It's on our shirts because of the plants
Check out that dirt that's waiting for us
Can I get there first or will it be Russ
I have a new bike, it's a Sting Ray
High rise bars and a banana seat that's gray
Flying kites is fun if the wind is just right
We fly them so high they go out of site
The creek down the street sometimes has some fish
We can't seem to catch em, no matter how hard we wish
The tree at the corner is a blast to go climb
The highest and fastest changes all of the time
Hide and go seek is something we play
If we could, I think, we would play it all day
For some really strange reason, the street light, we hate
Cause when it turns on, I guess that it's late
We hurry and scurry to get up and get out
So we don't get in trouble and nobody shouts....
Brian Hill - 2019#87
Inspired by remembering playtime...!
Remember when??