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Charan P Jan 31
I committed suicide,
but not in the ways you think
not with ropes,
or pills,
or blades.

I've been committing it,
slowly, every day,
in the things I don't say,
in the smiles that fade
before they reach my eyes.

I've been killing myself in the quiet ways
in skipped meals,
in broken sleep,
in letting go of the things
I once cared about.

I committed suicide in the silence,
where no one hears.
where no one sees,
just me, alone,
with a heart that stopped
beating for itself.
~dying isn’t always loud. no one even notices. But hey, you’re reading this…so maybe there’s still time.
Katlynn Grilli Aug 2022
whisper with me.
lets break the silents
but respect the guidance it brings.
find the romance and dance together in remembrance of
souls with tiny feet that left our bodies for the times we must grow.
growing and living in love
Sally A Bayan May 2020
(morning twilight)

\0/    \0/    

In the drowsy stillness of
morning twilight.....when
feet are still huddled beneath
a light cotton sheet...the urge
to get up is not too strong
the bed, a hammock of quietude,
is comfortably warm with body heat.
this is the moment....fresh sounds
fresh air, fresh ideas, renewed hope,
all come in...all flow cool and smooth,
joining this civil dawn's atmosphere
i emerge from a peaceful inertia
from this stream of calming thoughts,
rising..........breaking silence........... be at the usual
fried hungarian sausages for breakfast?
...grilled bass and eggplants for lunch?
fried chicken, fried fishcakes for dinner?
with sliced tomatoes and cucumbers?
is there enough bread, rice, water,
meat, fish to last for the week?
in this lengthening pandemic?
coffee mug is still half-filled....slices
of fried plantain stare back, begging
to be eaten, as chicken, veggies, fish
recipes razzle-dazzle in my mind
a normal moment in my mornings
oh pouring more coffee
que sera, sera


©Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
May 24, 2020
4:34 AM
(Just woke up...and wrote this)

— The End —