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J Miller Sep 2020
jagged exhale⠀
releases from a juggernaut onslaught ⠀
of feeling ⠀
jolting blow blasts brain⠀
with a jarring noise of silence ⠀

naked mind mashed muted⠀
not thinking of anything⠀
sipping nothingness ⠀
from a rust ridden goblet⠀
oily pallet spoilt ⠀

blue blood boiling⠀
spilling, squirting, spitting ⠀
pointless in this farcical⠀
world of pretending ⠀

stringent restraint
And I'm pulling for you to push through this feeling
And with a little time that should do the healin'
And by tomorrow you may even feel so good that you're willing
To forgive them even after all that **** you been put through
I'm so sorry...

— The End —