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Xaela San Dec 2018
The women from the past century
Is a collection of mystery
A woman of her own royalty
She's a brimful of nobility
A representation of modesty
In her character and quality

She can hum sweet melody
Forever remaining in our memory
She has great craftsmanship in pastry
Feeding the hungry with her generosity
She can write thousands of poetry
Expressing deepest desires and misery
She's brimming of badassery
Winning battles for our democracy

She's a factor of our history
With her fierce victory
Unwavering bravery
Against human slavery
From the hands of tyranny
Ancient atrocity
And lowlife peasantry

She's the future of humanity
Through her maternity
Perfect epitome
Of womanhood biology
Brings life in this society
I am inspired by the struggles and badassery of historical women.

— The End —