But surely
Step by step
Inch by inch
I'm almost there
Almost to the end
Letting them go
Feelings remain
Crumbling, dwindling
Memories replay
Blurring, fading
Tempo in ad agio
Hands pulling away
Hearts disconnecting
From synchronized beating
The music dies down
As the love dies out
I'm almost there
Almost over you
It's been slow
But I'll be over it
My heart will heal
Even as I miss you
Since you were gone
Nothing worked out
Motivation out the window
Dreams in an indefinite hiatus
But I'll get there
To the sunset by the sea
Where in the waves
I'll bury your memories
The pain will subside
Slowly and carefully
As I shed your chains
From every inch of my body
This is farewell
My love in ad agio
Slowly fading away
Into its final breath
Happy Reading!