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Nov 2018 · 3.2k
The Words I Don’t Yet Have
Sydney Noxon Nov 2018
The words I don’t yet have are ones to describe my trauma.
Too young to understand what happened, young enough to let it determine the course of my future relationships.
Consent wasn’t part of my vocabulary until I was an adult.
Coercion, drugs, NO...
If I speak these words into the universe, the actions become real, not a figment of my memory.
The trauma of being called a ****, a *****, “giving it up” too soon.
Feeling like a chewed piece of gum, tape that lost its stick, a crumpled piece of paper.
No one wants you if you’ve been used.
An experience for one in five women, yet still taboo.

The words I don’t yet have are ones to describe my queer identity.
Queer and trans but passing as female…
I’ll never “pass” as nonbinary because society sees nothing but male or female.
The struggle of questioning my gender, binding my chest, compressing on my lungs to force out the female.
The hourglass figure with the ******* and fat ***, thick thighs and that extra baby fat;
Female body down to the ******, but without the identity.
The pain of being called a ****, a ******, a “what’s between your legs?”,
having your body scrutinized, looking for your true identity.
Even in the trans community, there’s still a binary.

The words I don’t yet have are ones to describe a better future for us survivors.
The world I want is one where victims aren’t dismissed,
one where perpetrators are held accountable.
A college calendar isn’t proof of where he was that one night.
A president can’t just grab me by the *****.
A college ******’s swim career isn’t ruined because he “made a mistake.”

A radical thought would be to punish white men for their crimes.
I imagine a world where women and survivors don’t have to live with trauma,
don’t have to sit in court and face their perpetrator,
don’t have to relive their experience.
I imagine a world where male survivors aren’t ignored,
one where bisexual women aren’t more likely to experience ****** violence,
one where false accusations aren’t more of a concern than actual assault.

The words I don’t yet have are ones to describe a better future for queers.
The world I want is one where we can feel safe just for existing.
Activism doesn’t stop at marriage equality.
Bisexuality isn’t just “pick a side.”
Transgender people don’t need to disclose about their ****, *****, or other.

A radical thought would be to stop murdering black trans women.
I imagine a world where children are taught about the fluidity of sexuality and gender in school.
A world where parents don’t render their children homeless when they come out.
One where the closet is a place for your clothes, not a place to hide.
I imagine a world where your sexuality isn’t illegal,
where corporations don’t leech onto Pride for advertisement.

The words I don’t yet have are on the tip of my tongue,
but won’t cascade out of my mouth.
These words aren’t as free flowing as a waterfall,
but they’re as stagnant as a polluted lake.
Stuck in my throat, poisoning me,
until one day I scream them out into the void.
Aug 2018 · 368
Rose-Colored Glasses
Sydney Noxon Aug 2018
You see me through rose-colored glasses,
And never look back to see the war path you left behind.
War, death, wrath, and pestilence.
The four horsemen became my only friends.
I see you with my own two eyes,
and you are the snake that tempted Eve to eat the apple.
The light summer breezes remind you of how you gently caressed
my soft skin.
It reminds me of how you breathed down my neck,
analyzing my every word and movement.
I was like a dog on a tight leash, a bird with clipped wings,
never leaving your side for one second.
You lived in isolation and dragged me into the darkness with you.
Shades covered my eyes and hid the damage that you caused,
and now that they’re gone, I can’t believe the wounds I suffered at your hand.
Our entire relationship was like winter;
barren and empty, keeping me locked out of the house.
You were the illness that kept me quarantined.
I kept banging on the windows, begging anyone to look in my direction,
begging anyone to notice how I was disappearing.
How many nights did I spend trying to convince you that you were worthy of me?
You brought me so low that I couldn’t see how much better of a man I deserved.
You consumed me, and I had no chance.
We became one, and I lost myself in you.
I was convinced that I was nothing without you.
My self-confidence came from the compliments you fed me,
but you made sure never to let my head get that big.
I’d float away if you ever let that happen.
How many nights did I stay awake crying, begging you not to **** yourself?
How many people hated you without my knowing,
because they saw you for what you really were?
How could I give you everything I had,
and it still wasn’t enough for you?
You see me with rose-colored glasses,
but now I see you for what you really are – a monster.
emotionally abusive relationship
Jul 2018 · 542
Sydney Noxon Jul 2018
A cloud of white leaving your lungs,
along with the weight of the world on your shoulders,
the stress of a long day,
the loneliness you face every second.
The drug becomes your partner,
the only stable part of your life.

A cloud of white leaving your lungs,
along with these emotions you don’t want to face,
the emotions that bring you to a dark place,
that even antidepressants can’t fix.

A cloud of white leaving your lungs,
Sinking sinking sinking
into your seat.
Falling falling falling
out of touch with reality.

A cloud of white leaving your lungs
Cannot wait to get out of my head.
Is this even enjoyable anymore?
Or am I just hiding from myself?

You need to stop

Why can’t you stop

Where did I go
Who am I
What have I become
About ****, channeling my previous alcoholism
Jul 2018 · 221
Sydney Noxon Jul 2018
Life is full of people and choices that you have to make for yourself.
Sometimes these people make your life easier and these choices are obvious.
Sometimes not.
When do you know when to let go?
Why do I keep fighting for something that’s so uncertain?
The chase is the last thing I want to be involved in,
especially when I’m chasing something that doesn’t want to get caught.
When will my energy finally run out?
About a guy, also unfinished and jumbled
Jul 2018 · 393
Untitled 7-15
Sydney Noxon Jul 2018
Antidepressants take you on a journey.
It’s like going up the emotional roller coaster,
but never dropping to rock bottom.
I’ve been on a plateau for a while now,
but the bad nights still come and go.
There is one thing they can’t fix;
People always leave for one reason or another.
Maybe I’m too loud, maybe I’m too gay.
Maybe I’m like the plague; people have to disappear
so that they can get rid of me.
Maybe I’m a virus that people can’t find a cure to.
I’m lost without a compass.
They say that what I’m looking for will come to me,
but who wants to come to the lonely island
for the person that drowns in self-pity?
I wrote this when I was sad and it's jumbled and unfinished
May 2016 · 334
Sydney Noxon May 2016
We were lovers in every sense of the word.
Sure, we made love
And I didn’t know where your body ended and mine began,
Our breathing labored and smiles slipping into our kisses.
But you were my confidant
That held all my deepest darkest secrets,
My human diary.
You dove to save me when I drowned in my tears
And wrapped me up in your arms when I fell to pieces.
We clicked, we understood each other.
You knew my silence was not the silent treatment
And I knew when you gave me that look, you needed to be held.
But we were the definition of hurting the people you care about the most.
You ripped my pages out of you,
No longer wishing to be my diary.
You condemned me like I was a haunted building,
The ghosts of my anxiety and depression haunting you.
Instead of banishing the spirits to save me, you gave up.
You no longer wanted to listen to me,
My problems were too much for you to hold.
When did I become the world on Atlas’ shoulders?
When did you start seeing yourself as atlas?
Our connection went away and I no longer knew what you needed from me.
You let me fall apart and stepped on my broken pieces like they meant nothing.
I finally drowned in my tears.
Making love no longer felt special,
Just something we felt obligated to do.
You gave me an ultimatum, but when I chose you,
You ******* left anyway.
I tried to help myself when you could no longer help me.
I wanted to relieve some of the pressure on Atlas,
But my world just crashed on top of me.
I couldn’t breathe, but you ******* walked away.
I chose you.
I chose you.
I chose you.
But you didn’t choose me.
Feb 2015 · 579
A Letter
Sydney Noxon Feb 2015
This is a letter to you. You know who you are.

I can't even bear to write your name.
It leaves burns on my fingertips and
it tastes bitter on my lips.

You are my best and worst memory,
depending on my mood that day.
On my better days, memories of you are like
sweet lemonade on a hot summer day.
It's a relief to know that love like that can exist
at such a young age.
On my bad days, memories of you are like
a searing brand on my brain.
It's an ocean of alcohol on open wounds,
it's open heart surgery without anesthesia,
it's drowning while everyone watches.

When you decided to break up with me,
did it leave you in ruins?
Were you the human colosseum?
Please tell me, I'm dying to know
if your decision left you the same way it left me.
I was the living dead, the shell of a human.
Breathing was a struggle,
daggers stabbing my ribs.
It was almost an incentive to stop breathing,
to end my pain and suffering.
My body rejected everything I took in,
but even then, I hardly had an appetite to eat.
It was almost as if my body felt withdrawal from you,
ready to die if I didn't get my dose of you.
A gaping hole in my chest left me weak and unstable,
and my tears were the only thing that
could cleanse the wound.
No amount of stitches could patch me up,
and all the morphine in the would couldn't
get me high enough to escape the pain of you.

It's been almost six months, and
I am trying to hold my head up high.
It's hard when my head is barely above water,
but at least I'm not drowning.
Masking the pain with alcohol didn't work,
and I almost tried to contact you a few times
if I'm being honest.
The simple things force me to tears,
like the smell of your cologne or
hearing your favorite song on the radio or
even just remembering one of our inside jokes.
One of the hardest obstacles in my life
is getting past you.
Almost six months have passed,
and I've made simple progress.
When something happens, you are
no longer the person I first think to tell.
My body lost the crave for your touch,
and it doesn't miss the light caress of your fingertips.
My hands no longer tremor with the
force of an earthquake when I see your family.
Time doesn't heal wounds,
you just gain tolerance of pain.

I try with my whole being to hate you,
but I just can't bring myself to do it.
When you love something with all the love
that you have to give, hatred really isn't an option.
The pain you caused is unforgivable,
yet if you came to my doorstep,
I'm not positive that I would turn you away.
Don't read this letter and think that I want you back.
I want to relive our old memories,
but the old us is dead and gone.
When you walked away,
you signed a contract promising
that you would never look back,
never turn around,
never try for me again.
You've never been one to break your promises.
Don't start now.

I hope you're well,
please take care of yourself.
A little less poetic towards the end, but this is definitely a letter to my ex boyfriend.
Jan 2015 · 774
Sydney Noxon Jan 2015
One year ago, a world without you
seemed almost unfathomable.
I thought that if we broke up,
my heart would stop beating,
time would end,
everything as I knew it would crash.

When you broke up with me,
all of my worst nightmares came true,
and now I can't even look back on us
without everything crashing down
onto me,
a tornado of memories
a hurricane of tears
and an earthquake inside of my heart.
The world almost did end,
and I wouldn't have been surprised
if hell froze over or pigs started flying.

It's been almost six months,
and I can't stop thinking of you,
remembering our good times,
remembering out bad times.
The only thing that I can't remember
is when things changed.

When did we stop smiling during kisses
and stop telling each other our secrets?
When did we stop trying to get to know each other
and stop talking all together?
When did we stop trying to fix us,
and just allow ourselves to fall apart?
When did you stop wiping my tears away,
and when did you become the cause of them?

The good times were like laying in a field of flowers,
bathing in the warmth of the sun
and finding shapes in the clouds.
The bad times were like a harsh frostbite
after walking for hours in a blizzard.
Jan 2015 · 346
Happy New Year
Sydney Noxon Jan 2015
Who would have imagined that we would end up like this?
Your number deleted off of my phone,
And not a word exchanged in 4 months.
I remember our new year's kiss of 2014.
The tight grip on my waist,
And traces of a smile across my face.
But now it's only been twenty-four minutes into the next new year,
And I'm already spending it with tears in my eyes.
To think we started off a year together
And ended things only eight months later
Really shows you how much time changes people
And makes them into a person that you didn't fall in love with.
I'm sitting here missing you,
And you don't even give a **** about me.
So go enjoy your next 365 days without me,
And go kiss some other girl to start off the new year.
Lord knows that it won't be me,
And I'll never let myself back into your arms.
Dec 2014 · 638
Walk Away
Sydney Noxon Dec 2014
I will always remember the day that we broke up.
My tear-stained face and your stoic expression said it all.
The second that you walked away was the moment that
the dam broke and all hell broke loose.
Tears drained themselves out of my eyes from the pain
of you ripping out a piece of my heart and taking it with you.
The piece that was taken was the part of me
that knew how to laugh at the simplest things,
that blushed when you spoke my name out loud,
that wasn't broken when something reminded me of

The internal hemorrhaging was more than I could take,
and all of my strength in that moment was put towards
not collapsing on the stairs in front of my home.
Each step you took felt like a stomp on my chest,
slamming into me with a purpose.
With the same force that you used to break my rib cage,
my palpitating heart fought back with passion.
While my body broke down,
my heart was the only thing trying to save me,
because Lord knows that once you turned your back to me,
you were never going to turn around again.

With one last look back at you,
I saw your eyes, filled with remorse and sadness.
but I thank God that you didn't ******* come barreling back,
because as hard as my heart was fighting for me to stay,
it fought to push you out of my system as quickly as possible.
If you enveloped me back into your arms,
overdose would be inevitable, and it would take
God’s ******* grace to save me from the damage you have done.

Lord knows we were a match made in heaven,
but star crossed lovers were never meant to last.
We’re no Romeo and Juliet love story
because I will never **** myself.
I didn't have to worry,
because you already did it for me.
Dec 2014 · 399
Sydney Noxon Dec 2014
The stretch marks spiraling down my hips
and in between my thighs
look like scratches made by my demons
trying to claw out of me.
I promise that I’ve kept them inside of
me for so long that they will never escape,
and my future lover will never have
to deal with the problems that I hold within me.
The thunderstorms that fall from my eyes on rare occasions
leave deep ruts upon my face
so that my rivers could flow with ease.
I promise that you will not drown in these bodies of water
because they know how to hold back
when I am not alone.
The thoughts that the mirror implanted inside of my brain
were so impure that I had to repent my sins
when I walked into church.
I promise that these thoughts have left
along with the man that used to love me.
And I promise that I have learned that
only I can love myself like he said he did.
I painted myself,
but I am no artist.
My heart writes a symphony with the beats
of my anxiety, my fear, my hope,
but I am no musician.
I penned these words on paper,
but I am no writer.
My self-portrait is far from perfect,
for I am nothing close to a masterpiece.
But despite all of the flaws and **** ups,
I promise you that I am still beautiful.
Look at my stretch marks;
They are not the scratches of my demons,
but they are lightning bolts that Zeus himself
placed on me out of respect and love.
Look at my tears;
They are not a sign of weakness,
but a sign that I am alive,
with the feelings of sadness, compassion, and love.
Look at my self-loathing and loss of love;
They did not bring me down.
I picked myself up and rebuilt myself,
my foundation strong and reinforced.
Flaws make up my entire being,
but that does not make me less of a masterpiece.
I made my self-portrait,
and I am perfect.
Not my best, but I needed to write to stop feeling sad.
Dec 2014 · 775
Sydney Noxon Dec 2014
The very first time that I injected
you into my veins was
the first time that I ever felt true
The high that you gave me
was the single most addictive feeling
that I could ever experience in my life.
My addiction lasted for
one year
six months
two weeks
three days
eighteen hours
twenty-three minutes
and fifty-two seconds.
When my supply ran out,
I crashed head on into withdrawal.
Symptoms varied from
sobbing, to emptiness, to nausea,
to the crippling fear of
no one ever loving me again.
I knew euphoria,
oh, God, did I know euphoria.
But the black hole in my chest
******* me into myself
until I barely knew
my own identity
was so foreign to me.
The darkness claws into you and rips
apart everything that you thought
you knew about yourself.
Losing my drug was like drowning
with burning lungs
and ignored screams
and watching you walk away
instead of saving me.
The weight of the universe sat
upon my shoulders and
held me down.
No matter how hard I fought,
I just could not pick myself up.
The wind was knocked out of me
at the mere thought of you,
and it took just over a month to
stop my blood shot eyes from
shedding any more tears.
The initial detox, however,
was not the hardest part.
Continuously living without
you in my system
took its toll.
At night, I reached out for you
after having a dream that I
spent one last time in your arms.
My mind played cruel practical jokes
when it told my eyes to see you
every ******* where that I go.
My waist still feels phantom touches
from when you came up behind me
and wrapped yourself around me,
becoming one with the girl you loved.
My hands shake and quiver
as if tiny earthquakes are rupturing
inside of me
because they crave your
warm hand to hold.
The bits of you that are still
left in my system are no longer
the drug that I once knew.
You are now a poison
that runs inside of me.
I wish that you would have just let me
instead of force me to crave you.
Detox lasted for a month and a half,
but living without you has gone on for
four months,
three weeks,
six days,
twelve hours,
seventeen minutes,
and fifty-one seconds.
It did get easier after the initial hit,
but the ache of you
has never left my bones.
Dec 2014 · 450
An "I Miss You" Poem
Sydney Noxon Dec 2014
The sunlight hits your eyes
and they refract like
a green and golden diamond.
A tiny ring of emerald
in a warm pool.
Looking into them gave me
the feeling that your warm
embrace would.
This was supposed to be a
poem about the things I love
about you,
but you made it into a poem about
the thing that I lost.
Now I just drown in the
memories and I barely
stay afloat.
Oh, the way I disturb the water,
clawing my way to the surface,
Gasping for a breath that
won't end the burning in my lungs.
Every breath is a curse,
and every intake
is a reminder that even the
best guys who have a smile of gold
and a laugh that makes angels fly
can shatter you into a million pieces
with just five words.
"I'm breaking up with you."
All it took was six syllables to
induce the flood of the nile
and the rumble of an earthquake.
A natural disaster of words,
blowing away my sanity
and ******* up my tolerance for pain.
You were a hurricane,
washing away my happiness and
destroying everything that I had.
I was just a mere thunderstorm.
You were always stronger that me.
You forced me to start over
and my monsoon tears washed away
the memory of your face.
The only time that I can see you
is by looking at photographs.
Even then, my vision is blurred
by the rain that leaves permanent stains
on what's left of you.
You are locked away in a safe place,
but sometimes I wish that those
photographs, letters, and gifts
would burn.
You were like a soft breeze
in the way that you only stayed for
what seemed like a brief second
and disappeared without giving notice.
I need to let you go,
but I miss you.
Nov 2014 · 419
Sydney Noxon Nov 2014
I wish there was an antidote

to you slowly pulsing through

my veins and consuming me

from the inside out.

With every beat of my heart, I

think that I’m pushing you

out but you’re only spreading

through my body until my lungs


and my heart stops


You’re like a poison in the

way that you insert yourself

into one person and completely

seek and destroy

and crumble the walls of a

nation that depended on you. 

Destroy the leader, and

down goes the nation.

So why is it

that you destroyed my mind,

yet you haven’t killed me yet?

Haven’t you done enough damage

with the way that you somehow

managed to bleed out into every

aspect of my life?

Will everyone leave like you did?

I can start to feel my body seize up

but it’s only from the constant anxiety attacks

when I re-live how you left me.

You managed to infiltrate my soul

and crush it.

Destroying my will to be,

and building back up those walls

that I worked so hard to break down for


If only this was a fever that I

could sweat out

or a sickness that

could put me in the


No, the only way is to let

your poison **** me

in the same way that I let

myself fall in love with you;





Tell me,

when will you finally

**** me?
Oct 2014 · 421
Tell Me Why
Sydney Noxon Oct 2014
I wish you could tell me why
Why am I crying into my pillow
every night
because of a boy?
Why is the black hole in my chest
infinitely expanding
and ******* me into myself?
Why is it that I'm scared of myself?
Why am I afraid to close my eyes?
Why am I afraid to dream of him at night?
No matter where I run to,
you always follow me.
Where do I go
when there's nowhere left to run?
Tell me why you're my shadow.
Tell me why you left me to rot
in self-hatred and guilt
leaving the questions to plague my mind.
When cemeteries dug graves in my mind,
I blamed you.
And when I dug my own grave,
I sat in the hole dying,
waiting for you to bury me alive.
I waited for you to pile on the dirt,
to **** me yourself.
I wanted you to be the last face I saw.
I wanted you to hear the pain you caused.
I wanted you to see the tears fall from my faucet eyes.
Tell me why
you never came.
Oct 2014 · 8.8k
Dear Ex-Boyfriend
Sydney Noxon Oct 2014
Dear ex-boyfriend,
I'm sorry you had to go.
It wasn't fair, but I understand.
Your happiness was just as important to me
as my own.

Dear ex-boyfriend,
I hope you're doing well.
Never will I wish ill upon you,
no matter how much I wish I hate you.

Dear ex-boyfriend,
I'm crying on the floor.
My sadness is a black hole trying to **** me into myself.
I miss you.

Dear ex-boyfriend,
I'm wearing the make up that you hated.
I do what I want.

Dear ex-boyfriend,
You gave me hope that you would come back for me.

Dear ex-boyfriend,
I realized that I never needed you to love me.
I realized that I was right here to do it for you.

Dear ex-boyfriend,
I look back fondly on our time together.
I will always love you.
But you left, and please never look back.

Dear ex-boyfriend,
One day you'll find a girl better than me.
I hope she makes you happy.
Oct 2014 · 421
Sydney Noxon Oct 2014
My words pound your pages,
And my tears stain the ink,
But you take it.
My emotions overwhelm me,
And my mind suffocates my lungs,
But you take it.
When I was doubled-over crying,
Lying on the ground,
Tears soaked up by the carpet,
You listened without question.
Bullets from my ballpoint pen buffet you,
But you are bullet proof.
Through sickness and in health,
For better or for worse,
You are always there.
The wall flower in the back of the party,
Taking everything in without a comment.
Page after page of recorded pain,
And day after day of depressed thoughts,
You take it.
The only person ever there for me is you.
My most loyal companion,
My journal.
Sep 2014 · 402
Every Day
Sydney Noxon Sep 2014
Every day, I take good care to scrub you off of my body.
Every day, I forget that scars don’t wash off.
The day after it happened, I remember my tears falling along with beads of water down my face
And I hope you felt it.
I hope you felt the gut wrenching pain
And the black hole in my chest, ******* me into myself to deal with the loss
And the unbearable denial that you were really gone.
I can’t even look at your sister’s face without seeing yours
And I’m moments away from a break down whenever she walks by me.
Does she understand why?
Did you tell her what happened and why someone I considered my friend has become an outcast in my life?
Please, dear, tell her how your words flowed gracefully from your mouth as they ravaged me and ripped me to shreds.
Your words have left scars on my skin.
Every day I try to wash them off.
Every day I remember that they won’t.
I haven't written in a while, so this may be a bit sloppy.  I'm going to use this website as therapy from now on.  My boyfriend of a year and a half broke up with me a month ago and I see his sister in school every day.  She is a reminder of what happened.
Mar 2014 · 811
Spider's Web
Sydney Noxon Mar 2014
A spider’s web,
So beautiful,
So intricate.
A work of art,
Worthy of admiration.

A spider’s web,
So evil,
So restrictive.
A prison,
Worthy of the innocent.

The spider itself,
Running on instinct,
Never realizing how much they torture their victims.
Yet, how enticing they make their webs,
Seduction, trust, desire.
Bugs don’t realize what they’re getting into
Before they get trapped.

Stuck, unable to move, forced into torture.
Abused physically, mentally, forced to love.
But we accept the love we think we deserve.

We deserve this pain, they love us.
Draining the life out of me,
They only do it because they love us.
They don’t mean it.

The bruises on my mind and on my body are love wounds.
My heart only beats for them,
I am loyal to my spider.
He abuses me because he loves me,
Because he doesn't know better.

Then the spider kills its prey,
The truest sign of love.
About abusive relationships.
Mar 2014 · 952
Sydney Noxon Mar 2014
I’m drowning.
Pushing me under,
Holding me down,
I’m worthless.

I’m clawing for the surface.
Begging for release,
I’m nothing.

I see your face at the top.
You want me to die.

You're nothing, you say.
You're just a puppet for my amusement, you say.
I’m just here to please your desires,
My needs don’t matter.
I’m an object in your eyes.

Our entire relationship was me drowning
And all you did was stand by
You watched me struggle to stay above
And you just laughed
And held me down.
My relationship with my ex boyfriend was a one-sided street, where I gave everything and he gave nothing in return. He abused me mentally and emotionally.
Mar 2014 · 842
Sydney Noxon Mar 2014
It pushes down on your chest line a thousand pound weight,
unable to get out from under it.
Tears form in your eyes and your heart pounds in your
chest and you can’t breathe and you feel
trapped in your own mind
desperate for an escape
clawing your way to the surface without prevail.
Stuck within the labyrinth,
every turn you take thrusting you deeper into a puzzle that you cannot solve.
Your worst fears come out to attack you at your weakest,
When you can’t defend yourself against their evil.
There’s no help for you.
All you can do is tread water and hope not to drown.
Written during an anxiety attack.
Mar 2014 · 781
Sydney Noxon Mar 2014
Close them out.
Push them away.
People can shove and punch and scream,
but they will never break down the walls you have built.
Behind the barrier sits a waterfall of tears and calls for help
but no one can clean the mess you have created.
Walls built of steel.
No one can see how your emotions eat away at you.
Trapped within your own mind
Not allowed to ask for help.
With the force people push, the walls push back
Resting at a stalemate, neither side gaining ground.
You want to let them in, but your walls hold you prisoner.
More than anything, you want them to break down.
But who wants your burden?
These walls feed you bad thoughts
Holding you back from the potential of happiness
Just push them away and shut them out.
They don’t care anyway.
Mar 2014 · 425
Sydney Noxon Mar 2014
Like a parasite, you accepted me as your host
and ****** the life out of me
You stole my hopes and aspirations
Ever since you, I've been running on empty,
Drained of everything
Anxiety runs in my veins and depression drowns me
My happiness high tailed it out of here when I accepted you in my life
You were my happiness, my substitute
But happiness cannot be replaced.
What you took from me was more than emotions
You took a hammer to my soul and crushed it like glass.
You threw me to the flames so I could never be the same.
Now you'll reside in hell where you belong,
Next to your actions
And you'll regret what you did to me
But your punishment will never be enough
because the emptiness will never leave me
Everything that fills my void gets rejected
And I can't help but blame myself
Sure, the doctors can surgically remove you
But the scars will always remain.
I wrote this a long time ago about my ex boyfriend.  It's not recent emotions, but I decided to post it since I hadn't posted anything yet.

— The End —