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 Jan 2016 Sweet Despair
It's really sad how many people hate themselves.
It's always the ones who seem the happiest that aren't.

I asked someone what his happiest moment was the other day.
He said he didn't have any.
I asked what made him happy.
He said making others happy.
Because making others happy was easy
But his happiness never lasted.
This person was one of the funniest, happiest people I know.
Or so I thought.

It's just so sad.
Some of the people I think highest of
Think so lowly of themselves.
Some of the best people
Feel the worst.
It just makes me so angry that people don't realize how great they are.
 Jan 2016 Sweet Despair
It's funny how we always like things that are the opposite of ourselves.
Do we do it because we don't like ourselves?
Or do we not like ourselves because we do it?

I think the best kind of bodies are pear shaped ones.
I'm an apple.
My sister is a pear.
She thinks the best bodies have slim legs.

When I read poems on here.
I prefer the ones that are nothing like mine.
Mine never rhyme.
I like ones that do.

I have tan skin and light hair.
I think the prettiest girls have light skin and dark hair.
My friend who has a pale complexion
Thinks those with tans are the most attractive.

I think integrity is one of the most important virtues.
But I'm not the most honest person.
Patience too.
And that's definitely not my strong suit.

I don't think the reason for all of us doing this is so sinister.
I don't think we all do this because we hate ourselves.

I think we're just used to ourselves.
So something else seems so much cooler.
Think of all your clothes.
Your favorite piece is usually the one you just bought.

I think we just understand how we do the things we do.
Our talents don't seem that difficult.
Because they come to us easily.
But others' talents are hard for us.
So we value them higher.

I don't think we do this because we hate ourselves.
But I think we learn to hate ourselves when we do it.
Love yourself. You're probably perfect in a lot of other peoples' eyes.
I saw someone I knew from high school
as I was walking into the bar.
He was doing shots with some other guy
in a corner booth on the other end of the room.
so I strode over and made myself at home
showing them both how to really drink.

Then I recognized a few of the girls they were with,
well one in particular, and that was all that mattered.
The instant I recognized her I knew it was a dream.
I knew that it couldn't be real.
She was pretty, but I didn't talk to her right away,
I had my fair share of ***** until everyone wanted
to take the party back to someone's house.

I saw her glancing my way,
and vaguely realized I was making her glance.
Making her steal quick looks at me among the crowd.
Making her smile at me.

When I convinced myself of this I walked over to her
and made nonsensical small talk as we walked out of the party.

She took me to her apartment, filled with cats.

She started to cry, inexplicably, and I folded her up into my arms.

And I flew us into the sky, slowly floating between buildings and trees.

"Why does this have to be a dream?" She whispered in my ear.
And I chuckled quietly.

Because I knew it was actually me saying it.
**** dreams
I hide in the dark
So you dont see my face
See the truth that lies in my eyes
That i know you lied

The day you lied about the girl
Is the day you lost this girl
The girl who loved you
No matter what
Through the anger and the pain
Smiled when i knew you lied again

I tried to laugh it off
The day i saw you with her
So came home and cried
And stayed in the dark
Till you came home
To ask for the truth
That never came

So i walk out the door
Hoped to be stopped
But your hand never came
Near mine again
Now you call her name
Instead of mine

Still in the dark
While i wait in line
Watching the days go by
Forever hoping for the truth
That will never come by
I'm, here, I'm going to follow
Every day of my life
Lead me to you
I'm here trusting in you
I'm ready to go with you, Jesus
Glorious Saviour so awesome
Glorious above the universe
Throughout this world
Holy and awesome One
Who is in heaven and
Here on earth hearing us
When we call
Protector and King
Of all creation
Walking within the
Halls of our hearts
I'm here to follow, to obey you, Lord
I'm ready and willing to be
Yours forever
Looking to your touch
Your mercy, your Spirit
To guide and to lead me
To peaceful waters
Where you are waiting
To hold me forever
I'm here, I'm willing and
I'm so very passionate
To hear your every word
Touching the threads of my heart
I'm here, forever I'm here
Precious Savior, here to give
You all that I am

                             By:  Leona Chaput
 Jan 2016 Sweet Despair
Emily B
i am finding my life
in small stitches

mending the hem
on a pillowcase

darning the hole
in a sock

patching a hole
in well-worn sheets

i am finding my life
in small stitches

until i have the energy
to make larger seams
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