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  Apr 2015 sunxset
I told you I would
leave, but I never
said goodbye

I told you it
would end, but I
never said it'd die

I deleted you out
of my life, but I
never had you blocked

I closed the door
to you, but I
never had it locked

  Apr 2015 sunxset
Timothy Brown
Hold on.
I have to clean this up.
I don't want your soles to get cut up by my lack of ambidexterity.
I'm right-handed but I thought I'd try this out with my left
And I'm not as deft with it, especially in the moment, but I thought I'd give it a shot anyway.

It's my fault... I don't know how to juggle.

I'm usually good with rotation but
between the dilation of my eyes and the inflation of my ego,
the sensation of being flippant left me in a painted tuxedo

And it's raining...It's been raining.

I'm not complaining but the paint
is running and bleeding; An apotheosis of Leonid Afremov
needing emotional content to prove I exist.

*I don't mean to be like this. I don't want to be like this.
I feel like it is missing an ending. All suggestions will be considered.
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