One of the most heart-wrenching things to know
Is when your best friend finds a boy
And she begins to let you go
You wish to feel happy
That she's no longer single
But you just feel empty
And your eyes start to tingle
You remember back to the times
When it was just the two of you
Messing around and causing trouble
Like you always used to do
You and her
The unseperable pair
Then one day
She's no longer there
You watch them walk
Hand in hand
And there you are
Alone you stand
But there are those days she does notice you
You cherish and praise them
That's what you do
You pray that it will last forever
That one single moment
When you're together
You try to catch up on all your events
And then she starts talking
About her charming prince
You try to keep from rolling your eyes,
Or tap your foot,
Or scowl in despise
But it's not as if it would even matter
She doesn't notice
She just continues the chatter
Sometimes I just wish it could all turn around
But then I feel guilty
And stare at the ground
How could I hate that she might be in love?
Even if it means
Missing me all above?
She is a true friend,
I will tell you that
She doesn't play tricks
Or stabs in the back
She knows when you're sad
And she's there when you cry
And she can make you laugh
Out loud in delight
In a way I am happy that she does have this boy
It's just sometimes I dream
That I was more than a toy
She is my sister
So I do wish her the best
And even though she might not notice my pain
I'll behave for the rest