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  Apr 2015 Eiram
Mike Essig
I want you.

Even if for
the briefest
moment of time;

even if the world
and it will;

even if our hellos
quickly become

None of that matters:

the world and time
mean nothing to me,

I see no rules
in your soft
green eyes.

I want you.

Smitten, and then some...
  Apr 2015 Eiram
Mike Essig
How did it feel
not to be touched
for all that time?

for a woman born to touch,
who feels so deeply
the colors of the day.

You know more
of the hidden power
of loneliness
than you let on.

Just wondering.
  Apr 2015 Eiram
Mike Essig
I am not the kind of man
who wants to possess anyone;
We are not things to buy.
You can only give love,
you can never own it.
I always hear, I want you to be mine instead of, I want to walk with you, together.
Eiram Apr 2015
Among all the poetry books,
I look for the ones with the cracked binding
And intricate covers
Filled with harrowing sadness and raw emotion
The kind that obliterates the souls purity.
Eiram Mar 2015
Maybe its because youre 140 miles away. Maybe its because youre enjoying a break. Maybe its because you just forgot that im here or something.. But whatever it is i keep making excuses because im scared that the reality is that you just dont care. Even though you said we needed to be a team.. You said you loved me. And now you dont say it at all. Its like youre embarrassed or something.. Either way it burns so deeply in the middle of my soul that it feels torturous but im too weak to push you away. Instead i make up excuses and push through because im convinced that im madly in love with you. And maybe im insane for waiting so long.. So patiently.. And hoping so much. But i cant help it. When i am with you. When i do speak to you. Sparks ignite again inside me and give life to such a vivid, passionate and extraordinary fire that just bursts and melts me into you once more. And you drive me mad but i cant put out this firey love i have for you.
Eiram Feb 2015
Anger fumes throughout my body
A silent steam seeping
A quiet girl weeping
My hands are tied
My teeth are clenched
And a smile has been slapped and plastered across my face

I've been told to just go with the flow
To just let it go
But there's a buzzing in my soul
A violent tug and pull
Rattling my bones
Boiling my blood

I feel as if I will explode
But then you bring me back to reality
A gentle touch
That quiets the buzzing, the tugging, the pulling, the rattling, and the boiling

My chest rises, and then falls
A deep breath hisses out between my lips
And only then am I okay
Because sometimes you shouldn't say anything when everything feels wrong
Eiram Dec 2014
You think your parents are invincible
Your father your knight and shining armor
Your mother an untouchable saint
Providing, protecting, and loving you all unconditionally

But one chest pain brings a surreal reality
And you watch your fragile father lie on the hospital bed, crying
And you see your mother fighting back tears, trying to be the strong one
Your invincible parents now crumbling in front of you

Shaken and terror stricken, tears flood your eyes
You don't ever think your dad, the one who wiped your tears when you had a bad break up
Could be so fragile
He is supposed to be the big tough guy who is invincible

Not the one to get a heart attack at fourty three
Lucky, they said, your dad is lucky he survived.
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