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Stephen Knox Sep 8
It broadcasts the lie of scarcity, never enough to go round.
Hiding reality from all eyes, ensuring it not be found.

The solar cycle awakened us, now having a common goal.
The search for truth and knowledge, connects our mind our body and our soul.

Be the skeptic with squinting eyes, hearing he “accidentally drown”.
Unlimited supply of narratives, put there to confound.

As all these escalations rise, it will be easier to see.
The more we fight amongst our selves, the less that we are free.

This is happening as it has, seven times before
The golden age of enlightenment, again knocks on our door.

Invisible energy from the sun, ever on the rise.
Changing humanity’s structure, you will come to realize.

As you evolve into yourself, the process, clear to see.
You are the source of all that is, down here split in three.

Place your attention on a moment, see what you have found.
That everything that’s ever been is composed of just light and of sound.
Stephen Knox Sep 8
The left hand path was never for me, held captive by secrets and dark mysteries.

The right hand path is from Yeshua’s travels. remember to thank him as this whole thing unravels.

This awakening for me happened deep inside, downloads began and my ego just died.

No more confusion about who is this “me”, perspective forever altered, now split into three.

Centeristic thinking now fills every day, this path I have chosen is called the middle way.
Stephen Knox Sep 8
This that I know, of Earth’s habitat.
It's true shape in form, is neither round nor flat.

This important information to you, that’s from me.
Has been hidden by the group, running our space agency.

First hearing of this, tends to overwhelm.
But the truth of our world is, we live in a realm.

This matrix was draped over us, a long time ago.  
The cup of lies will wobble and begin to overflow.

Using your heart to think, when looking at the stars.
Will dictate more experiences than the perception you think you are.

In  bugs, trees or anything,  everywhere you look.
Secrets of the universe, hidden between the gobbledygook.

Threads of light are connecting to every point in time.
Revealing to you the mountain, in which you need to climb.

Feeling the quickening of senses, I think we all can agree.
Is how understanding our reality, is setting us free.
Stephen Knox Sep 8
Life Path Number, : This journey of life, that you must make.

Birthday Number, : These are the roads and the routes that you’ll take.

Expression Number, : Here you’ll find all of your driving skills.

  Personality Number, : The specs on your car can be high as the hills

  Maturity Number, : At first glance here’s how they all see your car

  Soul  Number, : Your engine stays hidden, the hood never ajar.

   Destiny Number, : Traveling along as skills and wisdom grow, this gives you understanding of the path you must go.
Stephen Knox Sep 8
We are all the one
you have not remembered the fact
you have forgotten
Stephen Knox Sep 8
The great year’s new cycle will noticeably be.
A division of people , soon grouped into three.

The first are the chosen, ability to see.
That all fear has left them, learning love is key.

The second group larger, absorb all they’re shown.
Creating momentum, for truth to be known.

Last are the masses, armed only with hope.
Think everything’s *******, distrust horoscope.

They drank all the kool-aid, programmed not to see.
How every single person, (is secretly me).
Stephen Knox Sep 8
The truth forever hidden, cemented with lies.
Invisible unions, plotting and planning our demise.

We awakened to the fact that our world is not quite right.
And because of this we’ve found that love is our only might.

I feel every day earth’s frequency rise, I now connect remotely,
and can look right through their eyes.

But the further that I travel, up perception’s sight.
The me that is I, has no use for a fight.

— The End —