What a terrifying day to be alive
What a terrifying week
What a terrifying year
50 lives lost
No a single rainbow is shining down on us today
I cry for the lives of the people i never knew
and i cry because we never know what those souls could have done for our world
Another day older, but i feel so small
Nothing i can do, but mourn and hope for a better tomorrow
Justice went un served for a victim who spoke out,
and the rest of us cry, because we didn't have the courage
Why cant the world see non consensual *** does not exist
There's only one word for it, and its ****
All the horror going on around me, each tear falling from my eyes is bringing each small ounce of hope and happiness with it
This week i have told myself i don't want to live on this planet,
but that's a slap in the face to everybody who no longer has the chance
Tomorrow i will be a better me, i will honor the lives lost to violence and hate. I will put forth more generosity, kindness, and understanding for the ones around me who lack it. I will not give up. The people committing these horrible acts of violence and intolerance need me to be the best person that i can be.
Take a moment of silence for all the lives lost this year due to senseless acts of violence.