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nonexistent    nothin' is something.
Carlie Payne
Neverland    Poetry is my life!!!!!
Colleen Mary
Chicago    make life simple. drink more coffee, surround yourself with good people, laugh a lot, take comfort in the words of others.
Camron Elliott
Texas    God is first. I love bands!!!!!! I love messaging people, so come talk to me. I care for others, love others, and respect others. I ...
Toronto    18.
b-side to a sad life
minneapolis    everything i want is nothing i can have
Addison René
26/F/Baltimore    void diver
your name
these are all shit.
Nicole Hammond
twitter: HammondNicoIe / instagram: nicolebhammond
I'd try to sound poetic and inspirational, but rather i feel like a poem, written and rewritten, til the pieces, so broken, would never quite ...
i can't decide on a bio i can't decide on anything else either
darling iridescence
delaware    -formally known as brooklyn baby- barely innocent seraphic glow girl of the ex-nymphet variety. wearer of pearls, lace, and existentialism. an illusive darling. POETRY AND ...
605    getting by
a coffin    shit and sad metaphors
Keah Jones
The Moon    Wanderer. Survivor. All poems are property of Keah Jones. Unless marked otherwise.
in my own chapter    write what i don't say
Emmy Sun
Coweta    why read this when you can just read my bad poorly written poetry instead
USA    I'm just writing to release some of my inner demons.
Brittany Laird
a girl suffering from heartaches and headaches
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