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 Nov 2013 Spelz
Elizabeth Squires
thy quill is kept working hard every day
no slacking shall ever be permitted
word after word one places in array
thy many pages are suited and fitted
labor on quill take not a small timeout
much idling will result in nothingness
one furrows the field for the finest sprout
the purpose must be in gaining fullness
slogging till end of day doth come around
putting thy quill to it's maximum toll
a solid outcome shall surely abound
as the evening sun is seen to roll
oh what deserving tidings thy quill brings
toiling at all it's poetic offerings
 Nov 2013 Spelz
Lorraine day
A star is so much more than
A light that's shining bright
It's a symbol ~it's a guide
That led 3 men one night
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
It glistened as they followed it
By its presence it would show
The pathway to a king
That this world
Would come to know
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
They found him in a manger
Above that star
Was shining bright
He too just like the star

Will guide your way
.          .           .  *
{He is the light}
I am the light of this world ~whoever follows me shall never walk in darkness ~but shall have the light of life~:John 8:12
 Nov 2013 Spelz
Mike Hauser
I'm checking the post daily
Can't tell you how exciting this is for me
Since I called the 1-800 number
From that mail order magazine

While one day sitting at the dentist
I picked up said magazine
A full page ad which made me gasp
A colorful array of personalities

I've never really had much of one on my own
So I ordered a couple dozen
Sitting here anxious for my order
And so far I've seen nothing

I'm wearing a path to the mailbox
It should have been here by now
When it does arrive I'm first taking out Impatient
Then placing a call to tell them about themselves

I hope I remembered to order one Romantic
Cause I'd sure like to impress Mary Lou
As it now stands I feel less a man
Around her I don't know what to say or do

Imagine my surprise when the box finally arrives!
I open it up with a slight giggle
Just like that the personalities fall into my lap
For a moment I felt just like Sybil

Lets see there's one that's Strong, one that's Flirty, one that's Shy, one that's Quirky
One that looks like it's Mighty Proud
A personality that's Fun, Debonair, a Serious one
All I know is I want to try them all out

These days when you see me around...AKA "The Man About Town"
The one that has the large following of friends
Everyone loves the tales that I tell, now that I tell them so well
The way I weave them from beginning to end

They all want to hang out with me, there's something special they see
Looks like I've come out of my shell
Now I don't think twice as I jump into life
Since things have been going so well

And all those personalities I own, I now leave those all home...
I keep the box locked high up on a shelf
I found the best personality I have is the one I was born with
And that people tend to like me for myself
 Nov 2013 Spelz
Mike Hauser
Have pity on me
all I ask is one day without poetry
Between you and the heart
do you think you could find
Some type of reprieve
from this constant rhyme

From the very moment
it is you wake up
You start churning out ideas
like you can't get enough
From your constant
metaphoric playing of words
Mind aren't you listening,
haven't you heard

I honestly feel
I need a break from the rhyme
Before madness sets in
and sanity takes a hike
If you'd use your eyes
I'm sure you would see
That all you think of
these days is poetry

Dear Mind,
could you see things my way
is that to much to ask
just for one day...
 Nov 2013 Spelz
Kylie Wallen
 Nov 2013 Spelz
Kylie Wallen
Falling in love
Is a scary, scary thing
But what's scarier
Is falling in love with the pain

It starts to feel better
Little by little
And changes you
From strong to brittle
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