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 Jan 2015 DustBall
kick all my walls in
break me down
I'll let you
inspired by a one direction song
 Jan 2015 DustBall
 Jan 2015 DustBall
People may tell you to not cry...
I won't because I know the difference.
They think they know when in fact they lie...
I say bury yourself in the deepest of detriments.

They may say that a new day will come...
They only spout what they can't comprehend.
They forget that you are ailing from a broken heart and that you're not dumb.
There's only you in your space, alone you stand...

Textbook responses are all they can offer...
They know not that it'll only make things worse...
There can be no replies so nice and proper.
To rid you of your life, your plight, your curse.

They may even share personal events that they think familiar.
Thinking what worked for them may work for you.
But no two situations are the same, albeit looking quite similar.
At the end of the day, you only owe it to yourself to pull yourself through.

I say feed your pain, grieve hard if you must
Wallow... Dwell... Drown yourself everyday.
Let your blood sear your insides, beneath your crumbling crust.
Let the world around you descend into destruction and decay.

What made me the expert...
To say these horrid, putrid things.
Because I am you and we both lay in the dirt.
Driven mad by the persistent echoes of our own misgivings.

I'm no expert... I am just a broken man.
Telling you to let yourself be caught in your own sad and angry song.
Be weak... Be as weak as you possibly can...
So you could rise from the ashes and emerge hale and strong.
A chat I had with a friend made me realise... "What doesn't **** you, makes you stronger..." And I know this to be true... So...

"Be very weak... So you could be strong..."
- ryn

Dedicated to all the broken hearts out there...
 Jan 2015 DustBall
 Jan 2015 DustBall
each word leaves wanting
wanting to be heard
in the mind of the speaker
they all make sense
 Jan 2015 DustBall
 Jan 2015 DustBall
looking at this old photograph
a picture of smiles for you and me
i think about how you made me laugh
now, there's no smiles to see

images in my mind are different
almost like a clearer view
this photo is lacking pigment
since there is no me and you
 Jan 2015 DustBall
 Jan 2015 DustBall
There's good and bad in everyone's past
there are steps i never want to re-trace
slow to grow, but anger fast
so much regret of love misplaced

any day could be our last
the past is better off erased
re-living is small, but the future is vast
let's never again face what we faced

from this day, all i ask
is that our hearts be inter-laced
i forever want to have you back
my mom can never be replaced
 Jan 2015 DustBall
A mirror hangs
upon the wall over there,
and as all the boys and girls go to ask,
"Mirror Mirror, art thou fair?"

As they all worry about the looks,
of their precious hair,
they do not see the beauty
that is truly standing there.

When they look upon
that reflection of lies,
they continue to hide
behind that perfect disguise.

Behind the clothes,
the make-up,
and the brand names of them all,
they buy all the lies
the lies that call.

They call out everyday,
that they have no worth,
saying they were born ugly,
ever since their birth.

They say that you can't fit in,
because misfits as they may be,
they aren't cool, if they can't do a little bit of

Names used to be unique,
appreciated as it was for who they were,
now it's about those "Apple Bottom Jeans,"
and the "Boots. With the fur."

Can't you see dear children?
The corruption before your eyes?
When will you BREAK the mirror?
When will you be free of those LIES?!

God! I can't tell you enough,
all the cuts, burns, bruises, blood and tears,
that I've felt and seen,
I keep asking myself as I ask others,
"Why do you have to be so mean!?"

What is the purpose!
To make others become like you?
Why can't you let them be,
let them be free to do as they do?

Is it so hard?
Is it such trial,
as to call a human for what they are?
I wonder, but I already know, that they always push the limits,
just way too far.

Mirror, mirror.
On the wall?
Who's the fairest,
 Jan 2015 DustBall
 Jan 2015 DustBall
not everybody is perfect, but that's the point.
thoughts today during the catholic/protestant debate in class
 Jan 2015 DustBall
 Jan 2015 DustBall
This word seems to permeate
those youthful conversations..
Implying without intending that
their present word picture
does not stand alone
but that other pictures
with similar countenance we
might find if troubled to see..
This fractal practice has
entered our discourse
through many serving
yet unconscious
young prophets...
 Jan 2015 DustBall
The Jolteon
When the economy tanks
Unregulated globalized free market capitalism run amuck
People are told to be thankful to have a job
Even if you are miserable with that job
And with service sector jobs making up 80% of employment
Misery is widespread
Underpaid, undervalued, underappreciated
We are human beings for ***** sake
We are starved for more than selling shoes
If being thankful for misery is the best option
It's time to re-evaluate
Not to knock service sector jobs or ppl that sell shoes
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