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Isn't it peculiar
how the moon and the stars
all seem so close?
So in-reach?

My four year old self
once believed I could
simply reach up and touch them
if I tried hard enough.
But isn't that what we're all told?
If we try hard enough
we can do anything?
If we try hard enough.

My eighteen year old self
now feels deceived.
I cannot grasp the moon
and the stars are out of reach.
*Or perhaps I'm not trying hard enough.
Memories are personal.

An experience may, at first, appear to have been shared by a number of people:

A concert, a meeting, a party, a date...

But upon closer analysis you realise that no two people have ever really shared an experience, a moment, a time, a memory.

That concert.
Attended by thousands.
But did they notice the short-lived beads of sweat rushing to death as they escape the forehead of the crazed fan beside you?

And that date.
There was two of you there.
But did she see the way you looked at her, besotted, and grinned when she dropped her fork? And the way you pretended not to notice?

No amount of camera roll and no 140 character tweet can do justice to the complexity of the human memory.

and totally unique.
It's funny to think
That in some future time
I'll go about my day
And you won't cross my mind

— The End —