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  Aug 2015 Sophiemichellefan
A to B and A to B
Then back to A and back to B.
Monotonously making their way round the map
Taking Tom, ****, and Harry from A to B.

Oh, where would we be
Without the drivers who transport anyone that they see?
Enabling us to go about our lives no matter who or where we may be?

To allow old Mable to get out and about
Or old man Joe to leave the house.

To help adolescent Amy to see friends across town
And **** time for Doris by simply driving her around.

I know we complain that they so rarely smile
But think of how far they can take you, for miles.

I know we complain that at times they are late
And I know that the one guy made you miss your hot date

But think of that time you were saved from the rain
And how the bus helped you when your legs were in pain.

Think of that time you were saved from the exercise
Which we in 2015 do so despise.

This isn't ironic, it's a genuine ode
To the bus driver heroes to who I do owe.
When you get high and realise how much you owe to the bus drivers. This is a (perhaps humorous?) ode to the regular and punctual bus drivers I had today.
  Aug 2015 Sophiemichellefan
It saddens me deeply
To know you'll be gone
And you'll never be there
For me when it goes wrong.
The clock is ticking and
Every second that goes by
Is another less second
That I'll spend by your side.
I'm haunted by the thought
That you'll soon find another,
And you'll start out as friends
And then bloom into lovers.
Her hand will replace mine
And its place in your hair.
And when you get down
It'll be her who is there.
Her lips will replace mine
And their place on your chest
And it'll be her who reminds you
That, babe, you're the best.
Promise me one thing,
Just to never forget
The girl with the block fringe
Who is so happy you met.
Three weeks until everything changes, hmm
  Aug 2015 Sophiemichellefan
Another second,
on the clock
Reminds me the end is drawing nearer
And that, I cannot stop.

Twenty Six days left of your gaze that sees through me,
That sees through my facade of endless positivity.
Twenty Six days until the growing apart,
Until the increasing distance and the breaking of heart.
But see, Twenty Six days just isn't enough
Because, with you my darling, I'm still so much in love.
  Aug 2015 Sophiemichellefan
Isn't it peculiar
how the moon and the stars
all seem so close?
So in-reach?

My four year old self
once believed I could
simply reach up and touch them
if I tried hard enough.
But isn't that what we're all told?
If we try hard enough
we can do anything?
If we try hard enough.

My eighteen year old self
now feels deceived.
I cannot grasp the moon
and the stars are out of reach.
*Or perhaps I'm not trying hard enough.
  Aug 2015 Sophiemichellefan
Memories are personal.

An experience may, at first, appear to have been shared by a number of people:

A concert, a meeting, a party, a date...

But upon closer analysis you realise that no two people have ever really shared an experience, a moment, a time, a memory.

That concert.
Attended by thousands.
But did they notice the short-lived beads of sweat rushing to death as they escape the forehead of the crazed fan beside you?

And that date.
There was two of you there.
But did she see the way you looked at her, besotted, and grinned when she dropped her fork? And the way you pretended not to notice?

No amount of camera roll and no 140 character tweet can do justice to the complexity of the human memory.

and totally unique.
  Aug 2015 Sophiemichellefan
It's funny to think
That in some future time
I'll go about my day
And you won't cross my mind

— The End —