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 May 2014 Sophie
Anggun Russell
He knows the smell of rain
He asks what color is the rain?
The wind blows
And he smiles
He knows the smell of spring
He asks what color is the spring?
A bird chirps
He smiles

He walks home
Wondering the color of the world
And he smiles
 May 2014 Sophie
Anggun Russell
The mountains will not run
The oceans will not walk away
There will be a time for us  
to be together
If we are meant to be
I'll be here and you'll be here too
I don't know and I never know until the time comes
 May 2014 Sophie
Love is a game of give and take,
But what happens when that heart starts to break?

Too much love and too much sorrow,
Causes a yearning of a better tomorrow…
 May 2014 Sophie
Alicia Hubert
"Words are just words you can lie with words,
actions are what actually matters."

But see to me,
words are magic,
even the lies.
 May 2014 Sophie
 May 2014 Sophie
Do i call it crush or love
Do you know me
When you say weird stuff are you flirting or joking as a friend
Love me for who i am
Or kiss me if you ever have  a chance
All I want to know Do i call it love or  a crush
 May 2014 Sophie
 May 2014 Sophie
I have a crush on you
I am only a bug
And you are a garden

I have a crush on you
I am only the moon
And you are the milky way

I have a crush on you
I am only a human
And you are a skyscraper

You have crushed me
For I am only a bug
And you are a garden
i got this idea from a post i saw on tumblr so i decided to make a poem of it
What's that thing when your crush likes you back?

Oh, yes. Of course!

 May 2014 Sophie
y i k e s
butterflies and jitters
stutters and whispers

shaking and sweating
hesitating and forgetting
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