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Soph T Jun 2016
Why is this so hard?
Why can't I decide?
I hate you,
I love you.
It's a little bit of both.
I want to forgive you,
But I can't.
You hurt me,
You brutally murdered me.
I hate the person you've become,
But I love the person you were.
I don't want to let you go,
But I don't want to stay with you either,
I can't decide.
I love you,
But I still hate you.
Soph T Jun 2016
I'm sorry,
I'm not perfect.
I'm sorry,
I'm not skinny.
I'm sorry,
I'm depressed all the time.
I'm sorry,
I can't be there for you.
I'm sorry,
I cry a lot.
I'm sorry,
I like to be alone.
I'm sorry,
I'm not like other girls.
I'm sorry,
I don't style my hair.
I'm sorry,
I don't paint my nails.
I'm sorry,
I can't be your perfect, beautiful daughter.
I'm sorry,
I ever thought so.
Soph T Jun 2016
They expect me to stand up,
Be strong,
But I don't know if I can.
I can't be the perfect girl they want me to be.
I can't live up to their expectations.
I can't be their perfect child,
I'm too afraid to even try.
Soph T Jun 2016
We were both on that edge.
We were about to jump.
You grabbed my wrist.
You held me close,
and told me everything would be okay.
You pulled me away from the edge.
I will never forget that,
I will never forget you.
Even if you forget me.
  Jun 2016 Soph T
its gonna make sense
in the deepest and utmost corner of my heart
the pain is being hidden

and on the outside
you will witness
my sweetest smile

if only
you will catch a glimpse
behind those eyes
is the loneliness that being kept

if only
you will stop and stare for awhile
you will find out
that i am in despair

i was wondering
if the saying

"in the eyes you will see the real feelings of a person"

is true

because why can't you see?

that i am






the twin of love is pain
Soph T Jun 2016
I'm holding on,
I don't want to let you go.
But maybe that's what I need to do,
Even though I miss you.
I need to let you go.
Letting go is not forgetting the past, it's remembering the future.
Soph T Jun 2016
Angry and dejected,
That's how they see me.
So what.
I like being by myself.
I just don't like people.
It's not my fault,
They're selfish.
People need to shut up sometimes,
Listen instead of talk.
If they listened then they would be able to see.
They'd be able to see how selfish they are.
They'd be able to see how much pain they put me through.
It's like people are programmed to disappoint the ones the love.
People are selfish machines.
Selfish machines who don't care about who they hurt.
Since they don't feel anything,
It makes it so much easier for them.
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