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Soph T Jun 2016
Silence is deadly.
It forces conversations,
Conversations that were never meant to be.
It forces words out of the mouth,
Words that were never meant to be said.
Silence forces you to think,
Even when you don't want to think.
Those thoughts become deadly,
When you force them into that accidental conversation.
Soph T May 2016
I have this dark thought,
Down inside.
I tell no one,
Hoping it will get better,
But it doesn't,
It only gets worse.
The more I push it away,
The darker it gets,
The more realistic it becomes.
I made it one of my options,
A very possible option.
I think about it every day,
But I can never actually do it,
No matter how bad I want to.
I promised myself,
I would stay here for you.
Soph T May 2016
I want to tell you,
But I know you won't listen.
Or maybe you will,
I'll never know.
No matter how many times I plan out the scenario in my head,
I know it will never go as I plan.
You will probably laugh at me,
Call me crazy.
But that's why I won't tell you.
No matter how bad I want to.
Soph T May 2016
I need your help,
But I don't know how to ask.
You can't see me cry,
You only see me smile.
You have no idea.
I wear a mask,
No one can see what's underneath.
Soph T May 2016
I want to tell you,
But I can't.
Every time I try,
Every time I open my mouth,
Nothing comes out.
No sound,
No breath.
Soph T May 2016
don't go.
I still love you.
I know you have to go,
but please come back.
What you did was stupid,
but you know that now.
It's okay.
You can come back.
I'll be waiting because,
I forgive you.
Soph T May 2016
Two friends sit in a field side by side,
One has cuts and scars on her arms.
They both stare up at the beautiful night sky.
The girl with cuts wants to leave this earth,
and be up with the stars.
The girl with cuts asks,
“Why won't you let me leave?”
Her friend replies,
“Because I'll miss you too much.”
So the girl with cuts says,
“But I don't want to be here anymore.”
Her friend looks into her eyes and says,
“Wrap that piece of grass around your finger.”
The girl does as she's told.
“Now you have something keeping you to this earth.
Please don't go.”
The girl with cuts holds the grass around her finger as if it means her life.
The girl takes two pieces of grass and ties one around her finger and then ties the other one around her friend's finger.
“I'll stay, as long as you stay with me.”
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