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I can't continue playing these games,
And act like it's okay when you ignore my comments.
I can't continue suppressing the urge to grab your face and kiss you,
Only to feel your warmth and security.
I can't continue biting my tongue every time I wish to proclaim my admiration for you,
And my hope for our future.
I can't continue feeling like the way you neglect me is normal,
And that my constant doubt and fearful thoughts are average ones.
I can't continue seeing you fall for me, and for other girls,
And pretend that when you hold me at night that it's okay,
Because your arms make me warm,
And your eyes make me safe.
I can't continue pretending that I'm fine,
And pretend that leaving me behind doesn't make me feel lost,
Like a cloud of smoke has suddenly clouded my vision,
And I can no longer taste your yearning for my love.
I can't continue doubting our existence,
Especially for the second time.
It's during the most obscure moments that I appreciate my dad
In the moments when I look at his overworked hands tenderly touch my mother
And his tired eyes look at me from the rear view mirror
In those moments I remember the way he laid his hand on me when I crept into my parent's bedroom during nights full of pain
Or the way he put his arm around me when I made him proud
The way his eyes would light up when he would find me half awake on the couch waiting for him to get home
His eyes following me as I ran around the soccer field and walked across the stage
It's during those moments that I am full of gratitude for having a father who never gave up on me
But most importantly never gave up on himself
Because without a father full of hope
I'm not sure I would be here today
"Be the change you want to see in the world"
Unfortunately, the only change I can offer
is to stop existing

"You accept the love you think you deserve"
I don't think I deserve any love
not like I receive any anyway

"There's so much more to live for though"
So much more things I don't deserve to see
I'm sorry

But I'm done
This is enough for me
If you understand
where I got this from,
you will get it.
 Aug 2013 Skye Applebome
Sir B
Another mistake
That's all I can do...
Can't do anything right
Only mistakes
Happen from my hands
Fatalities and über mistakes
One of them
Meeting people

I  have met so many people
They all move around
Like they know their purpose
Me being lost as usual
I mean
When have I done anything right??!???

Nothing I remember of..
Not that I remember anything either

May everyone enjoy
Their life
Whilst watching me
****** myself
It shall be a grand show
I am deleting this poem sooner or later, not that it matters... Really, it doesn't
I am Future Man
With no future in my plans
If you want something done, well yes I can
But that will be in the future man

I am Nowhere Man
Nowhere is where I make my plans
Looking for somewhere to make a stand
But that seems to be nowhere man

I am who I am
After much debate and less demand
I've come through it all to be the man
Who it is I think I am

But I won't know until the Future Man
Awake in the nights
Asleep in the day
There's nothing to stop me
From  making my way
Down this road less traveled by
Leading me awry
In a life full of answerless questions like "why"
Why am I awake
Why am I here
Why have I pushed away all I hold dear
Why am I alone
Awake in the night
Why am I swallowed by this never ending plight
Where are you now
Hell, where were you then?
Who, what, where, why, how, and when?
God I just wanna know you.
You say you know me by name,
Well I wanna know you by name.
Lord what will it take to know you like your own son knows you?
I just want to fall in love with you God.
Just to dance for you
Just to sing for you
I would want nothing else God.
Nothing else... Cause your all that gratifys.
I wanna speak like you speak.
And have the faith that you had to heal so many hearts, God I want that.
You brought a dead body back to life countless times.... And if you live in me, doesn't that mean I have that?
If you were heaven on earth and you're in me doesn't that mean You are  heaven on earth  going through me?
Ihave such a longing and passion to just dwell in you just to romance you lord. I would be forever satisfied.
Be my all consuming fire.
I don't want you just sometimes
I don't want you just tommarrow
Or just today
I want you in every minute of every hour because Lord you define me.
You give me an identity that is longer than temporary.
Romance me God.
Show me you're deepests passion
Lord I just wanna know you.
I would be forever satisfied.
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