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Said Mother Earth to her three sons " What good have you done today?". One son said " I have conquered for you, and have laid many down." Say's Mother Earth, " I know I could  feel their pain as you laid them in my arms." Said son number two,"I have fetched you a feast from many poor farmers fields. This feast is all for you". " I know",  said Mother Earth," I feel the grumble of many empty stomachs."  The third son said meekly," I have done nothing. I saw a dying man alone and afraid, and I used my time to comfort him."  Say's Mother Earth," I know, he speaks kindly of you.  You my son have done good."
So I ask you, "What good have you done today"?
I love
The words -- I want to immerse myself -
Drown in them. They become all I know,
They are               me, the            very air
I breathe,                In and                out, in
and out,               to push,               deeper,
To submerge myself, and swim, until they
Drip through my hair and into my mouth
And                  my lungs, until I forget the
Air                  and the breathing, and all I
See                   is the universes woven into
Worlds, the story of humanity, each word
black and white and definite -- a symbolism
Of proportions: of ink and mere paper, made
Into something beautiful, that represents no
More than every human's deepest desire - to
Be free, to see the stars, the hope of release,
The things we get in stories, the many lives
That we live, over and over, flying away alone
For 50 years. Words are no more alive than we make them.
But they are *bigger on the inside.*
 Aug 2013 Skye Applebome
Sir B
All alone
Humming tunes to myself
Thinking of how it fell apart
How I lost control of myself
How I got hurt through
Layers of happiness

I guess..
I don't know the answer
Haven't found it yet
Hope to find it soon

I think
It was

That girl.....

Down the street....
Not aimed towards anyone, just a few things I regret doing, they'll stay with me now. Forever.
A best friend is someone who care for u holds you close and is there to hold you when you cry
A friend above all others someone who will never turn there back on you
Strange a friend seems like the perfect mate but its a different kind of love one that cant measure up to love;
So what happens when u fall in love with your friend and they don't feel the same....
We fear life and death.
Will your past be
revealed to present time?
Will your enlightenment
bring you comfort?
We know what your needs are?
How do you know the needs
of the one out way the
needs of the many?
The questions that
your seeking can not be
answered in this time,
but in yours and
all peoples future itself.
I don't understand the
logic your saying.
What I'm saying is, Be one
with yourself and one
with the world.
Excel in knowledge and
have piece of mind.
Love yourself and
love others.
Then the questions
that you can't answer
will be revealed onto you.
Know yourself and you will
know the universe.
I don't know what I was think when I wrote this. BUT, if you like what I'm saying and understand what I'm saying. That's real awesome of you :)
One nightmare I had a dream, a dream of a terrible exhibit.
I was at a camp where nightmares grew, a place evil and ridged.
A profound impression was left on me,
the simplest of it all was the shoes in block 5.
The simplicity of it all seemed crazy,
this place called Auschwitz where I wandered in disbelief.
Imagine if such evil was in power today
with access to all our technology.
Cattle for the slaughter, they would slaughter us all,
their hate-filled solution for the innocent soul.
Human beings are inherently cruel this exhibit rang sadly true.
Fascism with applied biology, a profound impression to say the least.
The simplicity of it all seemed crazy,
a room full of shoes, battered and abused,
a room full of shoes from dead babies.
A profound impression was left on me.
This place called Auschwitz
where I wandered in disbelief.
Auschwitz concentration camp was a network of concentration and extermination camps built and operated by the Third ***** in Polish areas annexed by **** Germany during World War II.  Millions of men, women and children were systematically murdered in these camps.

© JDMaraccini 2013
"Is it a boy?"

the cab driver hands me the receipt,
"You're too young and pretty to be so sad".

I agree that I'm too young to be this miserable.
I burst into tears as I scrawl a signature on the piece of paper.

But this boy I cry over. He hides behind a white doorway while my head is in my hands,
and I am crying, I am drunk, but I am not drunk enough to be excused from calling him a coward.

He doesn't understand,
my coping mechanism--catalyst--and the curtain that pulls the facade down is the *****.

Not that un-understandable, in my opinion, really.

And he thinks it'll be better for me to talk about it sober tomorrow
And I thought it would be better for it to not have happened.

And I think he's not going to get much better,
         and it's too bad because he think I'll turn back into my desensitized self,
    which is better
                          for him

but there is light that cannot be turned out now
without burning out, blazing, in this way
and all he needed to do was to hold me tonight,
and everything could've been better, would've been best


and now my bed is made, I'll alone rest.
Are you a have
Or a have not
Do you always want more
Of what you haven't got

Are you one of the do's
Or one of the dont's
And if you ever did
What would be the amount

Are you a will
Or are you a won't
If you ever could
Would you give it your all

Are you a why
Or a why not
Which ever you are
Was it borrowed our bought

Are you a give
Or are you a take
And if you had too much
Could you give it away

...who you are.
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