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  Jul 2017 Sjr1000
Love can be like
trapped light
existing like dusk
the likes of which we can't see
physical but not optical
gravesites for stars
a waystation for dreamers
a delta to cruise through
paradise on Sunday
cold as ice on Monday
a hundred pound block on tongs
with a butterfly at its center
your temple of madness
or the Egypt of your ***
lands of mystery
an island of death
proven theories of sorrow
your lineage, children, tomorrows.
  Jul 2017 Sjr1000
little remains
of my grandfather's house:
raw rafters, warped planks with hints
my uncle invested in paint

the windows all gone, time
and twisters took them, and much
of the roof--what is left of that sags,
a silent submission to gravity

a woodstove survives, cold
to the touch, with no memory
of the fire it once birthed, the precious
prairie timber which fed it

now it knows only mourning
doves' song; winged squatters
unperturbed by my presence, as if
they know I lay no claim to now

the old boards have stories
I will never hear: the birth of babes,
reading the Word by kerosene lamps,
the last breaths of men

the songbirds may know,
but they woo the living in flight--a
future of nesting and fertile eggs; they
owe no belated dirge to long lost kin
And so,
That year,
The rain
Had forgotten to fall,

Winter slept-through its season,
It didn't hear Autumn's
Wake-up call.

Winter was oblivious
To the Earth's changing position
With regard to the sun,

This was made completely obvious
When the likes of Spring
Prematurely sprung.

Winter's time
Was well and truly
Over and done,

Was over
Before it had even begun.

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
This piece is all that's left from my memory,
I accidentally deleted the original poem I had written.
I guess, the poem, as beautiful as it was,
was like that winter, it was over before it even begun!

I hate the feeling when I lose a poem - it's so sad.
  Jul 2017 Sjr1000
....No man is an island, entire of itself...any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind; and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee

No man an island
yet we stand with brand
in hand, waiting
to set set alight all bridges
as we make our stand
for ourselves
over our fellow man.

We stand and watch as
killers ****, then
turn the channel
seeking the next
momentary thrill.

Less and less we involve
ourselves with others
in a meaningful way
we are more likely
to be engaged in
digital play
as we die
a little more
each solitary day

If it sounds
like I am preaching
it is because  I am

More to myself
than others
but then again
perhaps I am reaching
to you and others like
to those who understand

the carillion is a ringing
that, the sounds of bells
are stealing up upon us
as we ignore calamity to play,
tetris and zombie clan

"All mankind is of one author, and is one volume; when one man dies, one chapter is not torn out of the book, but translated into a better language; and every chapter must be so translated.**

we the poets of consciousness,  
are the translators ....
of the thoughtless thoughts
and long lost creeds

we are the heart that cries
as this world bleeds
from razors cuts
by the many thousands,

we are the recorders of the deeds
both small and large
important an seemingly insignificant.

scribes and libraians we be both
noting written word and oral oath
we partake, we give to all
but at our best we are the accord
of action and thought, deed and word

so that we reflect upon
ourseleves and others
the joy, the hate,
the hurt, the succour
the wonderment and ease,
the love and loving care
we make the hard easier to bear
we make the horrible, we make crazy
we have the ability to make the hard person care
those in despair hope...those at the end of themself
reach once more for the dangling rope

we are the fabric, the paper
on which this world is printed
we are the old gold coin
and the newly minted

we are islands with bridges between
we are understanding,
between commoner and queen

we are those who stand ready
to extinguish harmful flame
yet we are those to set hearts alight
we are those who call others
away from the game
and into the heart of the heart
into cognizant frames

we are listeners
and bell ringers both
we refine the languages
we create the quotes

we are the fresh morning
we are the new start....
Quotes taken from Devotions upon emergent occasions and seuerall steps in my sicknes - Meditation XVII, 1624: John Donne

Those who know this poem will realise I have used the quotes out of sequence, please forgive me this..
  Jul 2017 Sjr1000
Mike Hulstrom
What tell the world when no-one’s listening?
Only one’s that pay attention are my mom and friends

Artist puts their soul in their work that people can connect with
And I have nothing to give, I’m ****.
Wah, what a little *****.
Guess the only thing I have to give is self-hatred

Even then, people I admire are clever, I’m dumb
I’d rather be deserted on an island, where’s the ***?

Rarely can I even understand
Verily, a polluted stream is man
Same with man as with the tree
The more the branches struggle to be free
The more the roots dig down deep
Sjr1000 Jul 2017
My brother and sister
We were there,
it all comes and goes
Could you please
give us
a little more time?

Hitting home runs
Peaking way to soon
How dare you?
Could you please
give me a little
more time?

Strung out on
Chemistry and hormones
Rock and roll
never sounded so

One more level
One more time
Could you please?
if I ask you nicely
I'll be your best friend
Just give us a little
more time

Dragging a mattress
out into the pine forest
We were so perfect
Bliss and oblivion
At least until
the campers came along
Could you please?
I guess
I'm begging you
if you could
give us a little
more time

While my baby is an infant,
a woman now
I'm asking you
give us a little more time

There is magic
in the music
in the air,
You're something
We're dancing
Never coming this way again
That's why I'm asking
could you please
give us a little more time?

The work is good
The days are long
No pain anywhere
Keep it coming
I'm always begging
Could you please give me a little more time?

I know we'll be repeating
when sleeping in the linens,
Every one is there
Love everywhere,
I'll be pleading
Can you give us
a little more time
and maybe
one more rhyme.
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