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Psychedelic spokes
Spinning out from
An undetermined center

Periwinkle powdered
Spines that invite
Me to feel

Making a point
At my prying fingertips
From smooth to prickly

Quaint you are
When your fragrance
Murmurs a tone of earth  

A lotus of the desert
Silently beaming through
A plump body

An infant
With little

©Copyright 2014 Written and Edited by Racquel Davis
Along the rocky roads of a life
That has intertwined into you.....
Your hearts beat as one.
An ocean of feelings..Like the tides..
Rush to and from you and the one.
Blue, red,orange,black, and a capped on white..
These colors of the oceans...
They appear whenever this one is drawn to you..
These colors spark in your soul and the beat starts to gain hold of two hearts..
Skipping along the shorelines of Love's Ocean..
Destined to meet...
As you awake from the dream of this....
On the deck...On a sun chair..
Awakening to see
The mystic way of fate....
As you  open your tired eyes
You see him there.
The one from this dream.
Words cannot explain how the carbon of him within your dreams..
In dreams of ice cream and ocean traveling dreams..
That one appears to  you..
As if by magic...
There he grabs your hand and draws you to stand...
Both hearts now walk out from Wonderland into your days
Love's magnet draws the one to this "two..."
True Love knows many things..
And drawing you to the true spirit is just one of the tricks
of Love's trade
In deep devotions and true hearts which have found crossed ways.
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