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718 · Aug 2013
Murmuring to myself
Sir B Aug 2013
All alone
Humming tunes to myself
Thinking of how it fell apart
How I lost control of myself
How I got hurt through
Layers of happiness

I guess..
I don't know the answer
Haven't found it yet
Hope to find it soon

I think
It was

That girl.....

Down the street....
Not aimed towards anyone, just a few things I regret doing, they'll stay with me now. Forever.
718 · Jun 2013
Who is he?
Sir B Jun 2013
He is a human
He would like the best for you
He would do his best in front of you,
or.... rather try to
because he is horrible at everything
including life

He seems to have gained a respect
in a gaming world
He wants to gain respect
in a world that matters
not a world with people
who are in front of their computers!!

either ways
His life is ruined
Everything falls apart in instances
He can't get anything right

He cares so much for others
That sometimes he overlooks his own problems
For the same reason
Of protecting that special someone
But this new century world
Has lost everything and all meaning
Of the word sacrifice
I fear for it
And still feel lonely for not being loved

Lets highfive and kick reality in a hole, because the above will never happen!
713 · Jul 2013
Ray of Hope
Sir B Jul 2013
I am afraid to love anymore
Because my heart is in absolute damnation.
I just see darkness
When in reality there is sunlight outside

Death, destruction and hatred
all around me
surrounding me
forcing me to surrender

But I shall not
Because I yearn to be
The last ray of hope
For those
Who are still out there
Stumbling in darkness
Desperately trying to find
something to hold onto.

Look around.
There is still tiny bits of sunlight
Follow them,
For victory awaits this quest
what has become of me?

My writings changed a bit because of reading a medieval aged book.
712 · Aug 2013
I refuse to hear.
Sir B Aug 2013
I refuse to hear
everything bad they tell about you
Yes, what they say is bad
It's unethical of them to do so
They don't even know you
They don't talk to you often.
Yet. They dare to speak evil of you
How mean indeed.

I never did like them
and talking like that of someone..

It is no doubt now
No wonder. Anything I do
or the people I like do
It turns evil.
Its just a matter of *time
I don't even know.. Bad things are seeking me out at this rate.
707 · Oct 2013
Sir B Oct 2013
I. Am. Worthy.

Yea, sure
Let's just go with that.
Wrote it a while back.. Felt like posting it.. What am i doing? I dont know..
704 · Aug 2013
Our first meet
Sir B Aug 2013
I remember the first time we met
Maple leaves flying everywhere
Wind blowing gently
People in the park
Everything so peaceful
So quiet

Would have liked to meet you
That way
But couldn't
We were in said school
In home room
To be honest

And I..... lost seeing you.
Just something at midnight, this is a true thing (not first part) but yeah, memories...
704 · Dec 2013
Good game
Sir B Dec 2013
'Twas a good game
But now I

Goodbye and ***** you for tricking me.
You will pay, but not yet
Pained hurt everything you can think of that sad and evil… I will be leaving poetry and quit being on these accounts. If you would like to know my new and other account which might come alive. Ask, otherwise, patience.… it'll get you very far in life
703 · Jan 2014
how to keep oneself going
Sir B Jan 2014
The past made the present you,
but don't let it change the future you,
the future you can still change*

Things are affecting me.
693 · Jul 2013
Pain Hurts
Sir B Jul 2013
It hurts
When stabbing oneself
When having a heartbreak
When depression walks in
When you are hated upon
and it hurts the most
When everything you do
is criticized
I am unworthy.
693 · Jan 2015
Heart (10w)
Sir B Jan 2015
My heart twisted and turned
Convulsing erratically with acidic love
Hello. Its not that grotesque, just a break from midterms.
Sir B Feb 2014
We all want to be immortal
and want to be remembered
but what people
fail to understand is that
if you do become famous
and if you do become
known around the world
you are hurting this world
and you are scarring it

the only way to be remembered
is unfortunately by scarring the world
and scarring hurts the world
so in the end
people who want to be remembered
are finding it necessary to harm the world
to be remembered and that is not
remembering a dead person
that's remembering their
deeds, which were wrong
and which hurt the world.
Inspiration from TFiOS. I am just lost and enamored by the whole book. Apologies for this excessive introduction or remembrance of TFiOS.
690 · Mar 2014
Heart is painfilled
Sir B Mar 2014
My heart hurts
But this time
I know the reason
Was playing tennis and my wonderful, no sarcasm, opponent accidently hit me with a tennis ball.... Ouch…
687 · Sep 2013
Time is relative
Sir B Sep 2013
My theory on time
Is that it's relative
To your surroundings
And you

This may sound weird
If you are spending time
With someone/ something you don't like
Time will pass slowly
On the other hand
If you are someone/ something you like
Time goes by way too fast

Try it out
Just a thought that's pondering me for days now.. I sincerely believe in this.. I so occasionally though.. Not all the time
682 · Oct 2013
Stray thoughts and feelings
Sir B Oct 2013
I see you go by everyday
I come close enough for a hug
but refuse to take it
It won't be good..

I remember the time
when we gave the other a hug
I would have kissed you away
but stopped myself
Don't even try.

I remember the times
I decided to not do anything
about it
and then it hurt me more
and no matter what I think
I can't bring myself to a conclusion.
Just something to write down my emotions for a person. I am in the middle of reviewing for a test. I still don't find myself good enough, but I shall go with the flow.. I feel like today (october 17th 2013) was a VERY good day which just equates to the fact that tomorrow won't be as good. You guys will have a better day, and the sun will shine again and you guyz will rejoice for its Friday. Enjoy while you can.
676 · Apr 2014
I want to melt
Sir B Apr 2014
I want to melt away
anything but live

I have done no good
troubled people
hurt them
been cruel to myself
nothing right

I just want to melt
in the shadows
the lonely places
on the tennis courts

don't want to live
I want to melt
Realized I troubled her, a lot. Realized that I should leave and not bother anyone. Realized I should just give up on it. Realized I am never getting to my goal. Realized that I am just a waste. Realized a lot of things.
670 · Jun 2013
Pandora's box
Sir B Jun 2013
The box,
It contains mysteries
Greater than anything
It contains powers unknown
Powers unheard of

*Can you control it?
It is "mystical" enough?
669 · Sep 2013
Why n' How
Sir B Sep 2013
Why and How...
Am I even in these "advanced" classes
I don't understand
I know I am not up to it
HOW am I still in those "honors" classes

Was it a good idea?
Lost.. losing sanity and my own sense
Help is welcome
666 · Aug 2013
Got to mend things
Sir B Aug 2013
I overlooked so many people
For you
The answer was a no

I think
You don know
What I overcame
So it'll be a mystery
For you

Why everyone wants you
Obviously it's your choice in the end
But it doesn't hurt
To steal tiny glimpses

So I proposed
To myself
Lets go back
And apologize
To a few people
Who are kind of hurt

I know what I'll do
In the next few weeks.
Wrote it at 9 pm (not midnight!! Woooo) either ways, I need to mend a few mistakes/ things I did, trying to love someone... Need to help those who were broken by my behavior. Hope you guys take care and not overlook a few things.

666 · Jul 2013
My senses
Sir B Jul 2013
They make me unfaithful
My eyes make me see hatred
My ears make me hear bad news
I feel pain, emotional and physical

In short.. I want someone to talk to..
Creative write
665 · Jan 2014
Step away from here
Sir B Jan 2014
I shall step away
from your life
and the life of others
and from the life of
who find me stupid
and crazy

in short.
the life of everyone..
Because i am not accepted in anything..
I dont know what to be doing
I am at a loss
for whatever I do correctly
because its always wrong
No one likes being around me either, just gah, my recommendation would be that you do the same..

An old poem..
657 · Aug 2013
Death by music
Sir B Aug 2013
I want it
I just want to drown
In it
Drown so badly
And keep singing
The same verses
Over and over
Till my throat
Is dying for water

Death by music
Is viable
Something at midnight again, hope you enjoyed.
652 · Jan 2014
Forever late
Sir B Jan 2014
I will always
be late to the party
Just because

That's human nature
No, I am actually punctual and forever on time, just that today was very hectic, (it's a Saturday! Guess what happened) and I didn't win anything, nothing, I felt from the start I wouldn't, something was off about today but I didn't have the courage to tell my partner, oh well. First time all losses for me…
650 · Sep 2013
Share a night with
Sir B Sep 2013
This is titled
I found someone
to go along with
hand in hand
for a whole night

Though it was scary
Wasn't as bad as I thought
She accepted it
I felt relieved
to have found someone
to share a night with
Yea... I did ask.. and she did say yes!! (win-win) So. Flippin. Happy. Today.
After I did it, wasn't so bad. =)
645 · Jul 2013
What did i do today?
Sir B Jul 2013
I watched the sun.. set
It fit in so beautifully
Being bright orange
As if the world was
Using fireworks
At the same time

It was beautiful
Nature's beautiful
And so is everyone else in it..
In a way, I suppose
The sun turned bright orange for a little bit, was beautiful to watch.. Someone must've seen it besides me..
642 · Sep 2013
Center of life
Sir B Sep 2013
Its a lie.
It wasn't meant for me
I thought it was
It wasn't though
and it wont be
I cant be a center of life
for anyone...
Not even myself.
Center of life..
Not even close to the center for that matter.
Emotions being spread out.
641 · Sep 2013
Silent Rain
Sir B Sep 2013
Silent Rain
falling from the skies
Talking, chatting with thou
and listening to crickets
chirp like my watch
Everything serene
Everything dark
You wanting to be free
So does the nature
Be free like a wind
Be a silent wind
Be a silent rain
Be yourself for the night
Let dance to the rhythm
Lets groove
Lets enjoy the night
and rise and shine
for the days ahead
where we can be perpetual
images carved into Earth
Wind and Fire

Lets listen to the dark night
and take our safety torch with us  
sit outside and sleep under the starry skies
Enjoy the night
Enjoy the time
Enjoy the company
A long poem, but meant to relax.. and cheer you up. Wrote it while talking to a friend, many hidden references. You are amazing if you them! (a few people will) Night time is falling and summer receding for winter to take hold. Be a fish and swim around the globe says my fish. Good night and stay awesome.
639 · Feb 2014
The Shadow
Sir B Feb 2014
I have become the shadow
that i definitely didn't want to become
well, that's just outright depressing.
True shadow now. Nobody is going to miss me, i am a true shadow now. Hardly have anyone left to talk to.
638 · Jan 2014
how harsh does life get?
Sir B Jan 2014
How harsh does it get you say?
oh, nothing much.
Just have to find the correct person

**haha.. correct person
11 hrs outside of house debating does this to my mind and makes me sadder
Sir B Aug 2013
I know..
It may be cliché
You made me
Find happiness
Showed me a true path
Reverted me
To my old self
The one who made
Really scientific jokes.

I really hope
You feel better
After another round
Of thanks
Because you really did
Make me
Get back on the right track

I don't think
Just saying this much helps
I can't thank you enough
You changed me to normal
But added a twist
A good one of course
Now I am better
And happier!!

**Thank you, again.
For all you've done
I felt a need to thank my friend for bringing me out of "depression". Can't thank enough, I hope to be this way (happy) for a long time, can't do much but keep saying..

Thank you for saving a lost soul
631 · Aug 2013
Moving out, don't worry
Sir B Aug 2013
Anything with love hurts
My friends talk
And say.
You do like me
I refuse
Thinking I understand you

I know that's false
No one wants to
Show their real selves
They don't believe me
I always have my true self
When talking to nearly anyone

But again
I know
You don't like me
And I suppose
Its fine
Because the sadness
Of one person
Is nothing
Considered to the
Happiness of someone else
Especially your loved ones
I guess I need to move
And get out of your way
So someone you
Believe to be worthy
Finds you.
Midnight poem... Hope you looks it. Sad like my other ones
Nothing new there... also I am not someone you'd like
On sight like a few other people
Like my friend "Jack" (He wrote the other poem)
I guess... Time for me to leave.
Gnite and sweet dreams.

Also could use a title suggestion!!!
625 · Apr 2015
Electric (10w)
Sir B Apr 2015
Your smiling face

is like a diamond

in the rain..

This one song, Electric Love by Borns is just to good.
624 · Jul 2013
Realization of love
Sir B Jul 2013
We locked eyes with each other
And you knew
That something had changed..
You were in love
Just a poem, at a camp so expect nothing but a poem at 5 am in the morning EST.
Nothing else to say so....

Pax man!
Live long
619 · Jul 2013
If they were- it'd hurt
Sir B Jul 2013
If words were arrows
My heart would have too many..
I am in some serious sad moods these days..
619 · Apr 2014
So patient
Sir B Apr 2014
I have been so patient
For so long
I dont understand

How was i this patient?
What and how
Just how exactly?

Guess, i have to be patient
Just thoughts again
614 · Jul 2013
Can I?
Sir B Jul 2013
Can I steal a heart
So discreetly
That you won't realize it?
I can't
Because I crumble
When I see you
Die a little inside
Seeing you....
....with someone else

So all in all
Stealing hearts
Isn't my profession
Never was
Never will be

Instead joining two loved ones
....that I can do better....
...I would like someone to do that to me...

Help me out...
No one can!

I guess nature and love got the better of me.. Also sorry to everyone for not being active for a bit... Was at a camp, also hope you guys had a happy day and spent it with your love.

612 · Jul 2013
You again.
Sir B Jul 2013
I saw you today!
Though I couldn't talk
I saw you
Standing in the sun
Talking to your peeps and
Getting yourself tanned again!
I saw your hair
Go up in flames
Due to the reflection of the sun
You looked beautiful again

Then I saw you leave..
I kept looking over my shoulder
To see if you would return
But I guess not..
This will still be another unfinished fairy tale..
Imaginative but real to a point
Sir B Sep 2013
Is it just me
Did someone decide to make me happy?

Either, Or

Doesn't matter
It made me happy
to know

someone recognizes me
not as a shadow
but as a person
Can I thank you enough? No, I cant. These words that you said.. made me happier.. and gave me another reason to not **** myself, and think about it.
601 · Jul 2013
Lying down
Sir B Jul 2013
Don't lie down
Not right now
Not in the snow
Because it will eat

It will make you dream
And show you possibilities

But we still have ways to go,
So get up..
Inspiration from the book "Night" by Elie Weisel
598 · Jun 2014
C'est La Vie
Sir B Jun 2014
I want to be alive and not be indifferent to love, but c'est la vie.
I want to love a wonderful person but they do not want me around them but c'est la vie.
I want to be an amazing person who is really nice and fun to be around, but my negativity brings everything down and c'est la vie.
I don't like myself for that but c'est la vie.

But I still hope to make it through
just for 4 more days
until the end of the year
so I could run
and try to forget my emotions for a brief moment
C'est la vie = that's life.

4 more days until school ends.. then its a whole summer of opportunities and late night talks with friends and family..
575 · Aug 2014
Sir B Aug 2014
I think i have realized
That everything is out to get you
And it stings badly
But movement is the way of life
And considering every one of us as stars
Of our own little shows is the most important aspect
Of understanding the way of life

Sometimes movement
Sometimes support
Sometimes being a support
Just something after band camp
572 · Mar 2013
Sir B Mar 2013
I am a horrible man
I have created sins
While you were standing there
Making love with him

I am not respected
Not in the hearts of my people
Nor in the hearts of the enemy
I am a wandering soul

I fear the darkness
So I joined forces with you
I hoped to succeed the darkness
But you left me

I hoped to see someone like you
I hoped to make a proper friendship with them
But you had made life miserable
Why?! You had left your love behind

That love made me blind
It made me cry,
Made me wonder why...
The world was cruel

But you enjoyed it
Enjoyed seeing me suffer
For that was your food.
The Suffering of others was your food.
Enjoy it while you can.
572 · Apr 2013
Blame me for everythinh...
Sir B Apr 2013
You couldn't make the food??
Blame Me
You can't find something?
Blame Me

You can't walk to get something?
Blame Me
It's always me.

Your team lost a match.
Blame Me
You like making racist comments?
Make them on me

That's how my life goes, now.
Because blaming someone is how you can remain happy.

Blame Me Forever...

Because actually doing the work
cost you too much time
you thought
blaming me
was easier

569 · Jul 2013
Sir B Jul 2013
I know
You aren't home often
But I miss you
We don't talk
We don't hang out often
I wish we do!

This weekend
How about we go shopping?
That should get us closer
I hope..
It's not a late Father's Day poem, my father does not work in the army either.. He is a loving,caring dad. :)
568 · Apr 2014
Lost in thought
Sir B Apr 2014

About you and death
about love and indifference
about life
about the world
about myself
about everything

it doesn't feel good..
i have started feeling more "empty" and lonely and i have to control myself from doing idiotic acts. It's a struggle now... but, again, it always has been...
566 · Mar 2013
Sir B Mar 2013
You owe me an apology,
For trying to do things...
Things that are considered "uncivilized"

We were doing those "unwanted" things...
You were encouraging them.

But then you had that idea..
To leave me behind..

I am still waiting for you,
Waiting for you to come back
So you can deliver the apology
And we can be best friends again.
Depression is bad, just don't feel depressed.
565 · Feb 2014
shall stop now.
Sir B Feb 2014
i should just stop at this point
                                          m        y         

                 p            o              e        t         r             y

                                i                     s                  

               f     a       l        l         i         n          g

p             ­                                                          a
                   r                             t

I shall stop it
because its more depressing
and i would rather not talk more
and depress more people about it.
that would be another ending for me. 3rd one so far. I shall stop.. though you may still see me occasionally or never.
558 · Aug 2013
Mind Boggler
Sir B Aug 2013
Don't boggle my mind
With your big words
Its okay
If you can't say them right

It takes time sometimes
You'll learn them
Just wrote it as a funny/inspirational piece, because I can't really pronounce a few words. Besides that... I am bored.
558 · Jul 2013
What can we do? (10w)
Sir B Jul 2013
What can we do?
For the souls
lost in eternity?

We can't do anything for anyone anymore.
554 · May 2013
Sir B May 2013
When I join something
Or get motivated to do something
You are there

To tell me that I am bad at this
Bad at that

You don't control me, SIR.
No one ever does,
No one ever did.....

Not until I started falling..
Falling into an infinite abyss
Of darkness and loneliness

It was horrible
It still is.
Because i am still falling
and failing to grab to anything.
I keep falling..
Having thoughts to end it for myself
But can I do it??
Whilst in an abyss??
*Can I?
Sir B Jun 2013
you know what?
You are not worthy of me

I feel myself compelled to like you
and provide you with happiness
but you decide to not like it

you decide to be yourself, secluded
and unloved from someone who actually desires you

Fine, it was your choice.
But remember forever. That I like, love you.

I dont know for how long.
But forever is the perfect choice for right now.
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