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542 · Aug 2014
Sir B Aug 2014
I feel like running,
till my heart is going to die,
till my lungs ache, muscles burn, adrenaline still racing,
I want to run from this place to nowhere in particular
Just somewhere else
Late night sunday poetry, school starts soon…
540 · Jul 2014
Its an armor.
Sir B Jul 2014
I found out today
That I carry around chainmail
Similar to the Knights during The Middle Ages
But its more unreal
It protects me
And tells me not to spill my emotions
Similar to protecting the knight

It holds everything throughout the day
And at night
Everything within me crumbles.
I take off this "chainmail"
And i go into those dark alleys of my mind
Some with no escape
I try escaping with my plentiful books
They sometimes work

Other times its hell upon myself
My friends, and i regret it every time
But its a cycle I fail to stop
Unlike my real bike which failed me yesterday

This chainmail, its good and all
But I wish I didnt have to remove it
I dont want to make my friends suffer
But they still do.
I learnt to bottle it up…
Like thats going to help.

Just, need kevlar or something
This thought came to me this morning July 1st 2014, so yea. US lost in FIFA, guess that could be expected.
538 · Nov 2013
Ideal (10w)
Sir B Nov 2013
You can do it
I did it,
It's possible
A word prompt by my sister. Yes. I do have a sister.
531 · Jan 2014
Not afraid to love
Sir B Jan 2014
No. I like her
Yes. Yes, I do.
You are stupid to do so, you will break your own heart

Well.. Not much of it left anyways
I dont see a harm for it
I mean..
Loving someone wont hurt

Cool, good for you, enjoy the pain.
Sure, I will
Its just love
Won't hurt that much
A conversation.. Why, am I not afraid to love?
I don't know
What's wrong with me?
Should you ask me.. know
530 · Jun 2013
Entwined in love
Sir B Jun 2013
Let's do it!
Let's be loved
by everyone
and love them back
because everyone is beautiful

Let's be in love forever
so we will need each other to survive

Let's be in love
so we don't need to face our fears alone
let's be in love.
like there is no tomorrow
529 · May 2013
I promised
Sir B May 2013
Let me cry my tears out
Let me feel pain
Let me suffer
Because there aren't enough self-sacrificing
Let me offer myself as the sacrifice
I shall protect you
Do you not remember?
I told you that a while back

Just think of me
I will be there for you
I promise.
Remember my promise, because I wont forget mine or yours
522 · Jun 2013
Confession of a lover (10w)
Sir B Jun 2013

I have feelings that just cannot be expressed. :(
522 · Jul 2013
No-one (10w)
Sir B Jul 2013
You know
who would like
to suffer with me?

I have no clue why I would write this... Maybe to show the best proverb wrong??!?
519 · Aug 2013
That special someone
Sir B Aug 2013
Late at night
When everything has stopped making noise
I start to fall asleep
But soon after
I wake up
In cold sweat
I look around and
Realize that my heart is stolen

By that special someone
They dared
To come at my house
Just to steal my heart
How brave
Yet foolish
To only take my heart

You should've taken me too
I wrote this to be a somewhat happy poem, hope you enjoyed it.

517 · Jun 2014
To my many nights
Sir B Jun 2014
To my plentiful nights
Where i shivered
Even with a blanket on

To when i cried
Because i understood my flaws and irrational thinking

To when i forced myself to sleep
So as to prevent further harm

To when i thought of you
Because you are you.

To those nights and more
Constituting me and my celestial being
Emotions, emotions, emotions.
514 · Jun 2013
I Dreamt (10w)
Sir B Jun 2013
I dreamt
about being in a
You weren't there...
I don't have a lot of dreams, but when I do.. They are like the one above. So weird!
499 · Jul 2013
Am I?
Sir B Jul 2013
Am I of any importance anymore?
I know I am none to you
I know I am nothing to them
I know no-one actually notices me
Besides the fact that
I volunteer at a place

I think they respect me
I don't know
I never knew
I never will know
If I was of any importance..
Maybe after I leave?
Can't be sure..
I think I let myself become soft again.. Time to build up the wall again.. I suppose..
499 · May 2014
War of worlds
Sir B May 2014
Here was a world
a serene world, calm
with an eternal summer
where trees have leaves year round
the sun shines silently
people fall in love and
its never a heartbreak
only a successful story
failure isn't in a dictionary
and tropical paradises are resorts for people

There however was another world
a world within the minds of people
it lay inside those who hadn't been so lucky
it was chaotic, upsetting
with an eternal winter
where trees stood naked
looking dim
the sun couldn't illuminate it
and people felt more heartbreaks than successes
failure was a regular occurrence
and therapy hospitals always had a long line

The war, was more of an exchange
similar to where
both sides exchange prisoners or
let families reunite
it was a quick war really
the "darker" side gave up
"lighter" side won

With the lighter side winning
there came great festivities
great power and honor
therapeutic centers didn't have long lines
tropical paradises grew exponentially
and it the end

It was a peaceful exchange
and a pleasant dream.
A poem that I wrote for a school magazine and if it gets published you get extra credit points in your english class. i don't know what will happen but its a try..
498 · Sep 2014
Sir B Sep 2014
The world is a weird place
once you believe in thrashing your body up for a day*
other times
you just don't want to risk it

sometimes you want to punch through walls
sometimes you want to just sit next to people
and talk

other times you just want to be yourself
and sometimes you dont want to be ostracized
the world be a weird place
*This refers to today's Cross Country meet, I wanted to just go all out and see how badly i would get injured (I didn't) but this week's been so crazy with emotional pain (at times), psychological and physical (full time) and just broke me down this time. Can't let this happen..
496 · Jul 2013
You were there
Sir B Jul 2013
As I watched the morning sun ascend over the horizon of the Earth, you were there.

As we traveled to a new world, to leave a home we once knew, you were there.

As we joined a band of wind instruments to carry on the sound, you were there.

As I separated from consciousness, those very nights, you were there.

As we dreamed many dreams, but I dreamed of you. You were there.
This poem is not by SirB. It is by a common folk, expressing the feelings of love and wisdom, that a premature man and women would feel.

His poem is by my friend, he wanted to give me a poem as a surprise, guess he posted it here. Lol!
491 · Sep 2014
I am just not
Sir B Sep 2014
everyone is meant for someone
And people find them

But not me
Because i am just evil inside out
Knowing what needs to be done
But not acting on it
Knowing how it should be done
But failing at it

I am but evil inside and out
Just emotions. This refers to things like XC, Homecoming, exams, everything
480 · Mar 2014
Worst nightmare yet.
Sir B Mar 2014
I imagined that you jumped off a cliff
with a smile on your face
and telling me
I can survive this fall
but i knew you couldn't
it was too high
told you to stop, but you jumped anyways
the whole world turned dark and
spirits invaded my mind
I awoke and didn't sleep again
and it was hell all over.
This dream came to me around Late November 2013. It's my worst nightmare till record because that person who jumped off the cliff was Jack...
472 · Oct 2014
These dances
Sir B Oct 2014
That night
It was so cold
But i was so warm
We had just finished dancing
Had a hug after
And more and more
I didnt feel like letting you go
But i knew i had to

But that dance
Your hands on my shoulders
Mine around your waist
Just us slowly turning
While watching others
Its a dance to remember
And the picture after
One that shouldnt be forgotten
October 18th 2014 - Homecoming
464 · Mar 2014
This is my problem
Sir B Mar 2014
I don't know what to talk about
my insanity?
my horrible lack of confidence?
my beautifully hated self?

The problems come
after I figure out a way to overcome
the aforementioned things

Once they are good
I don't know what to talk about
and I am left lonely again...
...and I lose myself
and become insane
and oh joy!
*we are back at square one.
I don't know what to say.. I am lost in the endless sea emotions again.
461 · May 2013
Can you?
Sir B May 2013
Can you brave it out and ask the question
to that unknown person on that park bench?
He possesses the answers to your questions
He is a living ghost
unknown by the outer world
left for dead by the inner world
But! He will answer your questions
For he doesn't want you to be like him
He can see through you
You just need to be brave, and ask him
For he is ready to sacrifice himself
For anyone, At anytime
I think i am that person.. I don't know anymore
454 · Jun 2013
Girl on bus #07
Sir B Jun 2013
I met a ******* my bus home
She was different
She had a piercing in her nose
A black leather jacket
Black open toad shoes
Blue jeans
and a cup of coffee!

She looks so beautiful

Her face told you different stories
Her face was sad
Sadder than the moon
Her auburn hair was all up in her face
She clutched her iPhone tightly
waiting for someone to call..
But there was no call

She waited and waited
until my stop came
Then I left the bus
I don't know what happened next
but we can all hope for the best..
453 · Mar 2014
Lost in love and dreams
Sir B Mar 2014
I fell again
From the mile high city for her
Then realized she was elsewhere
And started my journey west from US
Wen across the pacific
And found everyone making love
But not the person who i fell for
Continuing west
I reached Europe
And found beautiful
Landscapes and wondrous cuisine
Wonderful people
And stunningly beautiful natural history museums
Still not the beautiful lady

I then realized she was probably close by
Near where i started
So i made the daring flight
Across the Atlantic
While flying
I became even more lonely
And pondered
"What would i say to my lady once i meet her?"
I left those thoughts aside and
Looked around to see if i was close to home
And in that moment, my heart fell away and went into the enormous ocean..…

I continued now without hope
Reached my place
And looked around
Sure, i found her
The beautiful person
So stunningly wonderful
Artemis would be jealous.
I tried to tell her my emotions
My ever powerful love

Which took me around the world
But when she asked for my heart,
I couldn't contain myself
And told her of my tale
She listened and sympathized
But couldn't help
And then
I fell down
Only to be revived by her
Who told me, she still loved me
That revived my soul
And i found my heart
Quickly after
Only to realize

It was a dream…
Easily weird. Do tell me if you have a better title. Otherwise. I have to sleep and Beware the Ides of March!!!
450 · Apr 2014
its like nothing
Sir B Apr 2014
Its like nothing
I am always insulted
Always told how I ****
I am horrible
Don't listen
never understand
know nothing

But I do know things
i am better
i listen.

but its all a waste
because inner part of me
wants to crumble and die
to end the suffering.
just, don't console me.
448 · Aug 2013
Death of thy king
Sir B Aug 2013
He is gone
to live in an afterworld
with greater riches
than what you can make
in a lifetime

We are still alive
and using his riches
but that doesn't mean he cant
watch over us?
or can he?

But hey..
atleast he has better music
to listen to..
Really bored, so thought of this while listening to the Approaching Nirvana soundtrack..

Evolve - Death of a King   by Approaching Nirvana
439 · Jun 2013
Come online already!!
Sir B Jun 2013
So. Tired.
Must. Stay. Awake.
I. Promised.... you.........


****, fine. 5 minutes....

True. I stay awake when I need to. Or when I promise someone.
439 · Sep 2014
Nothing Worse
Sir B Sep 2014
There is nothing than
A purposeless man

Who is lost and dead
Just some poetry, i maybe talking about myself…
431 · Jun 2013
Sir B Jun 2013
Where are you??
Better yet
What happened to you?

Scars and bruises covering your face
It scares me off to death
Thinking someone could harm you

So now,
You will tell me what happened to you
So I can reassure you
And so we both can laugh and make merry

Inspiration from a few songs
428 · Apr 2013
Maggie, listen!
Sir B Apr 2013
You know you are better than that.
Just because you heard it from your "ex" doesnt mean it's true

Come on! You know that you aren't a loser
You know you can deal with stuff

You are a good runner,
One of the best.

Yet you feel sad at something so stupid!?
So small?!

Dont let yourself down,
Because even if you do.

There are your bff's to talk to
Maggie dont be sad. It's not good to be sad.
427 · Mar 2014
What is the matter?
Sir B Mar 2014
The matter starts with the way the country is
No blame going to anyone

You see
America has established itself
as a country that works forever
tires out, stresses things
which are unnecessary
The people work
till they fall down dead
They aren't given as many
have to work, remember?!!?
This leads them to more stress
harms their health
creates a place which is unfriendly
where, you cannot show up
at someone's house without calling before
You don't do that in other countries
you just knock on their door
and they let you in and its friendly

America, oh noes
You have to call to let them know
you are coming over
its friends
its family
its supposed to be informal
they are part of you
they make you
they needn't take an appointment with you
  meet  you

I find too many things wrong in America
Once I have noticed them
I cannot remove them
and just keep seeing more faults
It's not like something is wrong with me
Not anymore.

It's the society now
They have to take blame for ******* over thousands of people
They manipulate you,
It's about time that they take blame
for telling how
has to live and be a total working place

It shouldn't. Its just another country. Even Europe is better off!!

I have exhausted my topics, but in the end
its just that America might need to change
maybe, for the better

I know my voice will be unheard, but I want to express my opinion
now, I have finally realized.
I am fine, its the society
This new culture
This new standard of living

*This isn't for me.
*Might need more work, criticism is appreciated*

If this write is controversial for you, please mention how. Otherwise, try to help out the other poets who are in similar and worse conditions than me. I don't want to let go unseen. I have to make an effort to make the snowball effect happen.
422 · Jun 2013
Where are you?
Sir B Jun 2013
Where are you when i actually need you?
I am actually smiling when I look at you.

I like that smile, and your hair

You are one of the best friends of all time

Though you hate me, haha

I still prefer you over most people

Can you be back soon? please?

Pretty please with multiple cherries on top?
The last line is from the book "Flowers for algernon"
422 · Jun 2013
what to do
Sir B Jun 2013
What do I do??
Its summer I get it
But what to do?
I want to spend this summer with you
But you said you don't want me around
I suppose this summer will be like the few lonely ones

But hey
Admit to it that you had fun last summer
I am bored
406 · Jun 2013
I will wait
Sir B Jun 2013
Are you listening to me?
Look me in the eyes.

I will wait for you

Let it snow, rain, heavy rain, sun, near death

Believe in me, that's all I would ask of you
It doesn't cost a lot

If you do believe/ or do not

I will still be waiting.

At the spot you ask of me
I will maintain the same patience when you met me
I will wait for you like everyday.

Just.. Believe in me, that's all I demand.
Is it inspirational enough? I can write more!!
404 · May 2013
Reflect me
Sir B May 2013
Who am I anymore?
I dont know
But you reflect me
I can tell
By the behavior and actions
Is this your usual self?
I don't think so
Because you never so jolly before
But now that you are
Let's go and see the world
For there are places to go
and places to see
Is this happy enough??
403 · Jun 2013
Midnight Blues
Sir B Jun 2013
Still awake..
Watching videos and doing my thing
Then the memories come flooding back
Making me relieved
And giving me more hope
That this century of humanity isn't going to blow
Each other up
And also reminding me
To love everyday
And everything
Including you.
Yet another night with recurrences, usual for me now..
401 · Jun 2013
something new
Sir B Jun 2013
I want

something new
something random
something to steal love with
something fun to do
something to remember this day with
something beautiful

and in the end

something.. which will not let us forget each other
Something different
397 · Mar 2013
That day..
Sir B Mar 2013
Do you remember that day?
When we first met?
It was beautiful..

The sun was shining bright
the sky was clear...
the trees were being green and lush
The flowers were blooming

And we were having a fun time
We danced a bit
Talked for everr

And we stayed together,
to watch the sun dip below the horizon
Promising each other
That we would rendezvous
at the same spot and the same time

The next day
I waited for you..
And you never came
I waited for you the day after..
staying for more than 3 hrs after the rendezvous
Yet you never came

That day my heart burned through my skin
I never found out why you didn't come
But what I did realize was that
Trusting people too much
Doesn't end well
One of my best friends actually did this to me.. To this day I haven't forgotten it.. Nor will I ever.
395 · Jun 2013
Sir B Jun 2013
I could say that promises are meant to be broken
but then all my faithful promises will be broken
Promises are to be kept
for they show your strength and weaknesses
Pro Tip - Keep your promises and try not to forget! :P
389 · Apr 2013
Sir B Apr 2013
Difference cannot be taken into account.
Not right now.
Right now we must learn to survive together.
There is more strength in the two of us combined.
I believe in you,
I believe in myself
We can do it.
You and I together can finish it together.

Trust me.
381 · May 2014
Sir B May 2014
i really just want to leave,
375 · Jul 2013
Nothing more.
Sir B Jul 2013
Theres nothing more
For either of us
You should leave
Before harm comes
To either of us..
I have NO clue why I would write something like this.
375 · Apr 2014
One cut too far
Sir B Apr 2014
You told me was suicidal
And i tried helping
It was tough
But we persuaded him to live

Later, yesterday…
I saw him in the hallway
And was going to ask him
"How are you feeling?"

Only to pull myself back
Because my question would have
Made him, lose trust on you
For revealing the world about his suicidal intentions

So I didnt ask him
So that he will continue talking
Talking to you, and you could help

It would be one cut too far
And nobody informed beforehand...
The person should be okay, as far I know. But just analyzing the situation told me this…
364 · Mar 2013
Sir B Mar 2013
I am not an ideal person
I cannot do it
I need to give in,

I am horrible.
I created a machine
I created the most perfect thing.

But then I realized
I was not perfect.
Neither were my creations.
They were horrible.

My creations told me I was bad
They told me to quit.
I gave in to them.

Worst mistake of my entire life.
Now while I sit crying here.
I watch those people
Having fun and defeating the lesser powerful people

I realized my mistake...
*But can I correct it?
Sir B Feb 2014
We need to have
another word
for saying
"I am sorry for everything I have done"

It kind of gets repetitive
and then the meaning is forgotten

We need a new term
This idea just came by randomly… I am sorry for so many things and I feel repetitive saying "I'm sorry". I feel like a new term would help alleviate the pressure off of Sorry.…
360 · Jun 2013
Love me (11w)
Sir B Jun 2013
Love me! Beautiful maiden of love.
Love me! For once!
Is it a good start for a few more "love" poems?
346 · Jun 2013
Broken bad 10w
Sir B Jun 2013
Last night, you kissed him
It left me broken.
*Really bad
Applies to people due to their actions.
345 · Feb 2014
Still a kid
Sir B Feb 2014
i am a kid
i will remain a kid..
343 · Jun 2013
If I was to leave
Sir B Jun 2013
nothing would change,
everything would go on
as usual
people would get back to their lives
would be little mourning

demons would have won

The good side of the world
would have lost a soldier
not that he was brave
but courageous
someone who would literally die
for you

Nothing would be lost

and life would resume
as though nothing ever happened.
323 · Jun 2013
Desire 10w
Sir B Jun 2013
If this is your desire
you shall get it.... soon
That's what happens always, well... not **always**
319 · Jun 2013
no need for roads
Sir B Jun 2013
Where we go, we won't need roads
Because we are free souls
My poems are random
317 · May 2013
First Life 10w
Sir B May 2013
Out he came
out of the womb
his first life..
First 10w poem ever written by me, responses and suggestions are appreciated
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