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F    But a caged bird stands on the grave of dreams his shadow shouts on a nightmare scream his wings are clipped and his feet are ...
Jasmyn 'Ladi J'
All I wanna do is change the world piece by piece with poetry...
Tim Knight
dr Jade
This is what happens when an indestructible force collides with an immovable object.
Michigan    I like dancing, eating, sleeping, and dreaming(:
Nigel Obiya
Mombasa, Kenya    I am Kenyan The typical Kenyan The one that dislikes his government But loves his heritage The Kenyan that can take a running joke... and ...
I am a writer of all types from dark to humour though it is my childrens poetry that has been turned into interactive books on ...
Alice Kay
Imagination    The sun will always set. It's just your choice to turn on the lights and keep it bright.
Ohio    My two-in-the-morning-sleep-deprived thoughts. "Don't stop imagining. The day that you do is the day that you die."

— The End —