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 Oct 2013 Sir B
 Oct 2013 Sir B
When are you
Coming home, dad?
I had been waiting for you.
When can I see you again?
Have you forgotten about me?
I thought I was your princess, dad.
My crown has fallen to the ground.
My castle has crumbled down.
Where were you, dad?
Where were you when I needed you?
Where were you when
Everything was falling apart?
Dad, why did you leave?
Have I been bad?
Did I do something wrong?
Why did you make mum cry?
Mum is still crying
And it’s making me sad.
Please come back.
I miss you, dad.
I promise
I’ll be a good princess.
 Oct 2013 Sir B
She came into this world
By accident.
Never planned,
But her parents
Didn’t regret a thing.

She grew up with
Her hands stretched out,
Hungry for knowledge
And taking in
Everything she
Could reach.

She was only 9 years old,
When she saw both her parents
Screaming at each other.
She didn’t understand,
“Why are mummy and
Daddy fighting?”
She asked as tears
Started to fall from
Her eyes to her
Delicate skin.
Her parents sighed as
They knew it wasn’t
Working out.
Things were crashing down.

She was only 10 years old
When her daddy left her.
As he carried his bags
Out the door,
She cried,
“Where are you going, daddy?”
He left, without a word.

She grew up,
Without love.
She grew up,
Believing  that
Love is the problem.

She never trusted love.
She never wanted love.
She never needed love.

She was only 13
When she took
Her first puff
Of cigarette.
She was hoping
That her misery
Would fade away,
Just like the smoke.

She was only 15
When she was suicidal.
Nobody knew about
Her struggles.
Nobody knew
She cried herself
To sleep, wishing everything
Was different and simple.
Her wrist was like
Her own canvas,
Covered with scars,
New and old.

She was drowning,
In her miseries.
All she wanted
Was someone to save her,
Or least teach her
How to swim,
But no one did.

She was drowning,
As she watched
People around her
Minding their own lives.

Till this day,
She’s still

And no one
Cares enough
To save her.
 Oct 2013 Sir B
and thats the thing,
i still love him.
i really do.
i love the way his cologne smells.
the way he fidgets when he gets nervous.
the way his eyes are so, so beautiful.

but, i do not feel the need to
go past your door anymore to catch your
all i need to do is sit at my lunch table or
hangout with another teacher for you to
magically come in, flustered and handsome,
for you to make a conversation with me.
and thats it, huh?
all i ever needed to do was to
tell you i was happy for you
for you to realize that you need
me in your life as well, just as
much as i need you
in mine.

i can see it in your glances
at church and in the
way you smile at me
when you pass me by or
in the way your voice gets
lower when you
speak to me.

do not hide your love for me,
its highly illogical and all it
does is wear the both of
us out.

sweet dreams darling.
 Oct 2013 Sir B
 Oct 2013 Sir B
It was then I had realized
why people listened to sad songs
stayed up all night waiting for late replies
they would get insecure when they see their person with another
how their world would stop when they see them
would get the butterflies whenever their lips touched
their day incomplete when they don't see each other
couldn't sleep when a big argument comes up
but become lovers again the very next day
how down they would be if they can't cheer them up
get all giddy when they hold hands
smiling like a fool when a thought of them comes up
how their life is complete when they are together
it was then I noticed
this silly and delirious emotions
are the great effect of loving someone
 Oct 2013 Sir B
She was the Invisible Girl
Unseen by the world
and no matter what she did
no one ever noticed

She was the Invisible Girl
Unnoticed by those she loved
and despite what she's achieved
they never see her breathe

She was the Invisible Girl
Insignificant to her brothers and sisters
overlooked by her parents
she didn't have anywhere to turn

She was the Invisible Girl
I say was because
she's no longer invisible

You know what they say,
"You only hear her screams
Once she's dead."
 Oct 2013 Sir B
Mike Hauser
Call me mad if you must
But please first hear me out
I just got back from the Cryogenics lab
And guess who's head I picked from the crowd

If your thinking Jimmy Hoffa
No, he's somewhere deep asleep in concrete
I grabbed someone much more spectacular
I grabbed the frozen head of Walt Disney

You see years ago he had himself chilled
At least that which contains the brain
The useless part they put in a casket
And far be it for me to dig up a grave

I've now got Walt packed on ice in a cooler
It wouldn't do to have his head melt
What kind of operation do you think I'm running here
Some kind of Mickey Mouse?  

First on my agenda find Mr. Disney a body
One that won't give out on him too soon
Cause once we thaw out Walt and he starts to talk
There's no telling what he'll want to do

So I let my fingers do the walking
Here's something interesting...Bodies By Jake
I just hope we find Jakes place in time
Before the ice melts and we are to late... about false advertisement!
Jake the snake didn't sell bodies at all
Walt and I are more than a little disturbed
There really should be some sort of law

Guess I should have thought this all over
Long before I thought of it now
So as a special treat I thought Mr. Disney and me
Could go see his "World", so we headed South

Standing in line to purchase tickets
The cooler shakes when Walt hears the prices by chance
No need to tell you that if he had lower extremities
He would crap them if he wore any pants

We decided to do something a little cheaper
And with a Disney movie just out today
It was kind of hard to follow along though
When all you could hear was his body spinning in the grave, miles away

Guess it's to early to try and bring back Walt Disney
Maybe one day I can try it again
But before we leave for the trip back home
We stop at the concession for diet soda and Jr. mints

Once we got back to the Cryogenics lab
They're looking for me so over the fence I let the head fly
No need to worry, one of the guard dogs grabbed it
And I'm sure drug it right back inside
I hear that the Disney Corporation, after reading this have gathered together their top notch lawyers and are wanting to set up a meeting...
I'm thinking they're going to offer me a movie deal!   Wish me luck!
I'm thinking Leonardo DiCaprio could play Walt...
 Oct 2013 Sir B
Olivia Kent
Saturday Mourning!

Dawn broke.
Clouds so full they fractured.
Rain fells so hard it bounced upwards on the grass.
Window kissed by speckled bird egg dots.

Breeze was tickling tree-tops tenderly.
Now bashed by windy blast.
Whistling through window cracks.
Not a cheery murmur.

The cold set in today.
Peered out of dotted pane.
The flowers of sun are gone.
Maybe murdered by the falling storm.
No snow or ice.
Just crisp in autumn touch.

Notion of hopping out of bed is not a kicking one.
Time to move the chilly frame.
Put the coffee on!
By ladylivvi1

© 2013 ladylivvi1 (All rights reserved)
Mourning was not a spelling mistake...I mourn the sunflowers...and the summer warmth!
 Oct 2013 Sir B
to this day, I clearly remember
all the silly things I've done

every day holds a new reminder
of all the silly things I've done

many times I seriously regret
all the silly things I've done

many times I wish to forget
all the silly things I've done

I no longer wish to justify
all the silly things I've done

I want to go back in time
to stop the silly things I've done
have you ever done something that many months later, you realize was just stupid? because I sure have.
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