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 Oct 2013 Sir B
soul in torment
Oh mister bear it is not fair
why did it have to rain
we can't go out and run about
or ride our bikes again

What can we play this rainy day
to stop us feeling blue
there's cars and trains and aeroplanes
or puzzles yet to do

There's chess and draughts or just for laughs
there's joke books by the ton
or plastic blocks and puppet socks
and paintings to be done

There's board games too like risk and clue
and snakes and ladders Ted
Monopoly look come and see
their here beneath the bed

We could just see what's on tv
or on the radio
we've dvds and chart cds
chose anything you know

With pop and chips and salsa dips
and pillows for our backs
we will lay still and eat our fill
and listen to the tracks

Then sing along to well known songs
and dance around for fun
for as you said dear Mr Ted
What need have we of Sun

For you can find ways to unwind
as long as you've a friend
Like Mr bear whom loves and cares
for you until the end
 Oct 2013 Sir B
Keep the fairytales to a minimum; I'm just trying to get back to reality.
I'm no Sleeping Beauty but I could be a wandering Alice just trying to get out of Wonderland. I'm no Snow White but possibly a hopeless Cinderella always dreaming of an escape from an evil family. I've never been one for princesses and princes... But I do believe in true love. There were so many winding roads leading to the love I desired I believe I've lost the way out of these stories I've been told. You see I know Prince Charming isn't waiting around the corner to save me from the monsters I've created... He's just trying to fight his own monsters and make it out alive. All I'm asking is if I make it through the woods without being eaten by any Big Bad Wolf can we keep the fairytales to a minimum?
 Oct 2013 Sir B
 Oct 2013 Sir B
sometimes I want discipline
sometimes I want affection
sometimes I crave structure
sometimes I crave pleasure
sometimes I need isolation
sometimes I need protection


I want to be yours
sometimes I don't

terrible at making decisions
making choices
is something I can
but cannot do
I really can't

I sound like a player
but I'm really not
I just love too much

I love multiple people
which causes trouble
and creates chaos
my feelings run havoc
as I'm busy
trying to deny it
© Natali Veronica 2013.
 Oct 2013 Sir B
Mike Hauser
She loves to spend her time

Far off from the light

Where she can clearly see

To pick stars from the sky

Puts them in her basket

Where she takes them home

Pastes them on her ceiling

Making constellations of her own
 Oct 2013 Sir B
Cameron Godfrey
The literal descent into actual madness
The inability to tell the happy from sadness
Thoughts bouncing around: silly and inane
Actually mad and actually insane
 Oct 2013 Sir B
Alysia Michelle
today should have been fun
but i was irritated
constantly ready to snap
i am a mess
i'm cranky
feeling mean
want to be kind
but i feel the need to scream
someone take me away for a while
i feel trapped in this town
someone make me smile
before i drown.
© Alysia Michelle
 Oct 2013 Sir B
Skyy Blu
In order to truly enjoy the company of someone else, We must learn to enjoy our own company. Before, we can truly love anyone else, We must learn to truly love ourselves. Two halves in a relationship or friendship, does not make it whole: it takes two whole people to make a whole friendship or relationship. Stop, Looking for someone else to make you whole or even complete you, and look to God for He's the only one who can. Learn to be the kind of friend that, you would like to have. Sow good seeds like: Compassion, Understanding, Love-Without- Conditions, Trust, Respect, Kindness, Peace, Hope, Tenderness, Truth, Honesty, Forgiveness, Help-Just-Because, Joy, Long-suffering, Grace, Mercy, and Laughter: and watch as the seeds are watered with grace and with love. They, will produce after their own kind. Long-Story- Short,  Whatever, kind of seeds that you sow... Be they good or bad, those are the ones or kind that, You are going to reap; so why-not, sow good seeds and reap that-which is good. Yeah! You Reap What You Sow!!
 Oct 2013 Sir B
Tana Young
From the present... I fell in love.
I was off not above.
I could not love as you.
Soon... my love, would blue.
It would turn to the sea.
And that would be... be my long creed.
Pain inside me amplified by love.
Being drowned in desolation.
The only thing flooding my throat... was indeed desperation.
I unnaturally studied melancholy.
My heart was broken... from the pressure of the water.
I will never take another peaceful breath.
Love will be my death.
I quickly sink.
I'm on the brink,
Of vanity!
I've lost my in·sanity?
From the present... I fell in love.
The blue... sang its deathly, elegant tune.
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